Chapter Four

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|2 weeks later|

It's been three weeks since your lunch with Zach and the two of you have been keeping in contact. You've been texting, working out at the gym together and every now and again hanging out just like friends. There is absolutely nothing going on between the two of you. You're just friends. That's what you've been telling yourself every time before you leave to hangout with him. Or receive a message from him. Or think about him.

Sometime in the afternoon while you're taking a break from your work you find a
Sometime in the afternoon, while you're taking a break from your work you find a message left on your phone

Beach boy Zach

⚫️ Beach boy Zach
Hey are you free in half an hour I was thinking of going on a hike

I guess I could make some room
Where do you want me to meet you

⚫️ Beach boy Zach
Don't worry I'll come pick you up

Okay I'll see you soon

Thanks to the change of plans you can take your break and turn it into getting ready for an afternoon hike with Zach. You have to get changed, fill your drink bottle, put some shoes on, close up your laptop. Prepare and remind yourself that you're just friends. No matter how god dam attractive he could be. It's not that much longer before there is a knock on the door. You open the door finding Zach waiting to walk you to the car so you can go for said hike with him.

 You open the door finding Zach waiting to walk you to the car so you can go for said hike with him

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"So have you been up too today?" He asks sparking a conversation.
"Nothing really. Just work, answering emails and meetings all day. What about you? Did you do anything interesting?" You reply.
"I wrote a new song if you consider that interesting."
"Really is it any good?" You ask actually interested to hear more and find out more.
"I don't know it's only words on a page so far." He explains.
"Where are we going for our hike then?" You ask in return.
"Just some place I like to go and watch the city from."
"If you like to go by yourself why am I coming with you?" You question.
"I never said I like to go by myself. I just though you would like to go and see the sunset though. Though it could be fun." He cheers.
"We will have to see if I do enjoy it." You smile making eye contact with him as he pulls his eyes away from the road for a second.

The car ride doesn't last that long. Before you know it your following behind Zach as he leads the way. It's actually really relaxing getting out of the house after a days work. Taking in the sights, being outside, talking to him. Somehow things get even better. Reaching the top you find the sunsetting over the city beautifully. It's just dark enough that the lights of the city are visible but not dark enough for the mixtures of colours in the sky to be hidden. You're actually really thankful that Zach took you up here and showed you the spot. I mean he's just as great of a view as the actual sunset. Standing there with his shirt strung around his neck. God! He looks dreamy. No! No! Seriously stop thinking of him like this. The two of you are just friends. Nothing more!! "Isn't it beautiful?" Zach asks staring out over the city.
"It really is." You smile. Approaching him to appreciate the view side by side. "Thanks for showing me this place by the way. You really didn't have too"
"No problem. I thought you would like it and there really was no hassle." He cheers.
"Well you thought right." You turn and smile at him.
"Are you ready to start heading back before it's too dark. We can stop and get some food on the way." He returns the smile.
"Are you paying?" You joke.
"It depends did you forget your wallet or are you just trying to scam free food out of me?" He continues to joke.
You smirk "Free food." The two of you look at each other and can't help but laugh. "Apple pay is a thing by the way. I very much have it."
"Very funny but we have to get there first."
"Okay lets go then."

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