Chapter Thirty Six

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|March 15th|

It's three months later and you're finally feeling like you're own person again. You're no longer hung up on Zach and the breakup. You've got too many good things going on in your life to still be hung up on him and what went down. You're feeling really good after going to Pilates regularly with Lilah, on top of that you're spending a lot of your time outside going for walks and even just stopping at the the beach to sit and read. The most exciting things happening at the moment though has to be the cider collection releasing tonight. They're going to be holding an event tonight that a bunch of influences will be attending along with your friends. It's been months of endless work and finally everyone will be able to get their hands on some of the pieces. It's extremely exciting. You're going to have to prepare yourself for it all day. Especially because you're going to be the star of the show along side cider, people are going to have questions, they're going to walk to talk to you. There is a lot to prepare for.


⚫️ Evie

⚫️ You

⚫️ Evie

⚫️ You
What are you wearing tonight?

⚫️ Evie
I don't know I might wear something from the collection

⚫️ You
Let me know because I don't want to be too overdressed

⚫️ Evie
You won't be overdressed the event is about you that means you get to wear whatever you want

⚫️ You
Fine I don't want to be under-dressed

⚫️ Evie
Okay that might be problem

⚫️ You

⚫️ Evie
Just don't wear jeans or sweats or leggings.
Leather pants, trousers, a skirt, a dress anything else could work

⚫️ You
Okay once I've done me hair and makeup I'll let you know

⚫️ Evie
Are you not going your hair and makeup done?

⚫️ You
I am getting someone to come and do my hair but I just want to do my makeup myself

⚫️ Evie
Princess treatment

⚫️ You
Stop no

⚫️ Evie
It's okay you deserve it

⚫️ You
Anyway I need to find something to entertain my day because if not all I'm going to do is sit here wanting to scream

⚫️ Evie

The actual collection releases earlier than the release party so at 12:30 you get on a zoom call with Evie, Kaia and a bunch of the team members to celebrate the launch together. "Are you ready?" One of them asks you.
"No. This feels surreal." You smile.
"Everyone is going to be able to go and add these pieces to their cart!" They cheer.
"How long do we have left?" Evie asks.
"There is 10 seconds."
"10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..." You all cheer together.
"1!!" You yell is excitement.
"It's out."
"It's out?" You yell.
"It's out."
"Omg it's out."
"You did that Y/n!" Evie yells through the screen.
"Are you all going to be at the event tonight?" You ask.
"Yes we'll all be there of course."
"Okay I'll save my speech for then but I love you guys. This experience has been crazy." You blow kisses at the scream as a tear or two streams down your cheek.
"Are you crying?" Evie asks with a tear falling down her cheek as well.
"Yeah." You laugh.
"Same." She responds.
"We've loved working with you guys as well." They smile.
"I need to post this don't you." You grab your phone and finally sit back down in your seat.
"We'll see you tonight." They say before they leave the call so you're sitting all alone with Evie.
"This is so crazy, I can't believe this is happening." Evie says.
"I know. This is crazy."
"I need to go now before I spend my whole day crying."
"Yes you've been doing that too much. We're over that now aren't we?"
"Yes we are." You laugh before closing your laptop as well.

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