Chapter Nineteen

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You're sitting at home on the couch, watching TV as you try to finish off some last minute plans for the brand deal you'll be shooting for tomorrow. You're just double checking some last minute details. Like where they would prefer you to shoot, what style they would prefer you to shoot. You're really trying to be the perfect client because it's one of your favourite brands. A brand you spend your money on constantly. That means being extremely kind, making sure everything is exactly how they want or envision. You really want them to see how amazing you were an want to resign another contract. Sitting there with your laptop open you receives a Facetime from the only person who Facetimes you, Zach. He's all smiley and happy with himself. It seems like he wants something. "Hey." He grins.
"Hey. What's making you so smiley?" You ask.
"Daniel just invited me to go out with him." He answers.
"Really? What are you guys going out for?" You ask.
"Daniel said to me that we should all go out to celebrate me finally making things official with you."
"Oh well I hope you have fun." You reply.
"What do you mean? You're coming with me." He smirks.
"Since when."
"Since now."
"That's not how you ask someone to go out with you and your friends." You inform him.
"I don't really care. It would be really weird if I went out with our friends to celebrate us without you being there."
"Okay I get it." You smile.
"So you'll let me come over, spend the rest of the afternoon with you and watch as you get ready?" Zach asks.
"As long as you don't expect me to do a bunch of stuff when you get here because I'm working."
"I can come over a little later if that's better." He suggests.
"In an hour?" You ask.
"I can come over in an hour." He agrees.
"Okay perfect." He smiles.
"I can keep you on call in the background though." You smirk.
"That sounds even more perfect."


Zach and you continued to sit on call for an hour as you finished off your work and he did whatever. Once you were finished he wasted no time, grabbing lunch and getting over to your apartment as soon as possible. The two of you then sat down, ate lunch and just hungout together until the night started rolling in.

You've just set up in your bathroom to do your hair and makeup and found Zach sitting on the end of your bed watching you. "What are you doing?" You ask.
"What do you think I'm doing. I'm watching you get ready." He answers.
"Really you're just going to sit here and watch me."
"Why? Isn't there something more interesting for you to do?"
"No. I would rather watch you." He smiles.
"Okay I'll trust you." You say before turning back to getting ready.
"Do you want me to order some more food?" He asks.
"No you already bough lunch." You decline.
"What do you want?" He continue to ask ignoring you.
"Zach please let me order dinner. You bough lunch." You plead.
"Just tell me what you want. I can order it from your phone if it's so important."
"I don't really know."
"Sushi? Chicken? Pizza?" He tries to guess what you could be wanting.
"You know what does sound really good?" You ask.
"No, please tell me." He answers.
"Canes chicken." You grin.
"Okay perfect I'll order some canes chicken."
"Do it on my phone though. You're not paying for it." You make it clear.
"Okay." He says leaving the bed and grabbing your phone as he places a kiss on your lips.


You've finally finished getting ready. It took you a little bi longer than you were expecting, thanks to Zach and deciding to order dinner. You've finally finished getting ready though and are ready to reveal your outfit. Tonight you're going to be wearing something your a little bit different to what you would normally go for. "Come on we need to leave. We're already going to be late." Zach reminds you.
"I'm coming." You reply.
Leaving your bedroom you find Zach dressed in his back button down,

"Leaving your bedroom you find Zach dressed in his back button down,

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