Chapter Thirty Nine

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|Three weeks later|

It's been three weeks since you and Zach met up for lunch to sort things over and get a better understanding of what was truly happening between the two of you. Since then you've spoken regularly, making conversation when you see each other. You're already assuming that's how today we go, no different, you'll both do your workouts and maybe say a couple words to each other as you're leaving or whenever you make contact.

 You're already assuming that's how today we go, no different, you'll both do your workouts and maybe say a couple words to each other as you're leaving or whenever you make contact

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Entering the gym today should be absolutely no different but set up and as you're listening to your music getting stuff done you find yourself interrupted. Zach interrupts you. "Hey." He starts.
You remove your headphones "Hey."
"Are you free this weekend?" He asks.
"For what?" You ask.
"I thought we could try going to the beach. Like we always used to love doing."
"Well it be just us?" You ask.
"Yeah. If you want to invite the girls we can." He suggests.
"No the two of us is just fine if that's what you want."
"Okay I was thinking we could go for a walk. I'm not really sure."
"A walk sounds great. A nice little reintroduction." You smile.
"Okay great. I'll see you on the weekend then."
"I'll still be visiting the gym."
"Oh well see you again tomorrow then."
"Okay." You smile as he walks away.

This will be the first time the two of you have actually hungout with each other since going to get lunch that one time and letting everything out. It's casual enough for the two of you to not stress and just dip your toe back into things.

|The weekend|

You're a little nervous about how things are going to go today but you'll be at the beach. A very clam relaxing place which should in a perfect world balance things out. Things should be alright. You've both made very clear about how things are going to go with you guys and your relationship so there shouldn't be any confusion. It's not even like it's a date or anything. You're just going to get changed, have something to eat, met up and got for a walk. There is nothing big or scary about doing so.

Getting out of your car you see Zach pulling up in his corvette

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Getting out of your car you see Zach pulling up in his corvette. "Perfect timing." You laugh locking your car.
"Tell me about it." He climbs out of his own car.
"Are you ready to go?" You ask.
"Give me a second."
"Sorry. I get a little bit excited being at the beach.
"I know. We can go now."
"About time." You joke.
"It literally took me two seconds."
"Two seconds too long."
"Just shut up and walk." He gives you a little shove.
"Zachary Dean Herron that is no way to win a girl back." You shove him.
"Please just walk we have places to be."
"You said we were only going to the going for a walk."
"Yeah we've go to actually start it. We don't want to be late."
"You're so weird to lead the way down the steps.

As you're walking along the beach front with Zach beside you, you realise just how beautiful the moment is. You're not going to take it for granted after everything the two of you have been through. That means you want to be honest with him. You don't want to hide things from him just because it seems like it's for the best. "Can I be honest with you." You stop in your tracks and turn your attention to Zach.
"Please do be." He responds.
"I listened to your EP."
"You did?" He questions.
"Yeah I listened to it when it came out."
"What did you think of it?"
"I was shocked."
"Good shocked or bad shocked?"
"I don't know. What shocked to do classify being surprised as just how personal you go?"
"It depends were you annoyed at how personal I got?"
"I thought you were brave. It was actually quite empowering I guess."
"So a good shocked." He smiles with relief.
"I guess so."
"What's your favourite song?"
"My favourite song? I never even said that I liked it." You smirk.
"Fine did you like it?"
"Yes I did enjoy it."
"Do you have a favourite song?"
"I don't know. They're all a little bit different."
"Is there one you listen to more than the others?"
"Who said I've listened to it more than once."
"Why are you always trying to make fun of me?"
"I'm not trying to make fun of you."
"Why are you always joking around then?"
"Because I dated someone who was always joking around."
"That makes sense I guess."
"Anyway that's my truth for today." You smile and continue walking.
"Can I tell you a truth." Zach follows beside you.
"I went to the cider release."
"What?" You stop in your tracks.
"I went to the cider release." He repeats.
"When? I never saw you."
"I watched your speech." He admits.
"Was that all?" You ask.
"Yeah I didn't want to ruin your night. I thought that if you saw me I'd ruin your night."
"Why did you come then?"
"Because I love you. I wanted to support you. I wanted to see you smile and enjoy the moment."
"How did you get in though?"
"They sent me an invitation."
"Oh. They probably thought we were still together."
"You did amazing up there though."
"Yeah. It was a very sweet moment."
"Well thank you for telling the truth." You place a small kiss on his cheek.
"Can I tell the truth and get another one of those?" He smirks.
"Depends what the truth is."
"I'm joking I don't have any more."
"Funny isn't that."
"Yeah it kind of isn't it."

After walking along the shore you decide to take a seat in the soft sand. "What are you thinking about?" Zach asks as you stare out at the horizon.
"What stuff?"
"I don't know." You break away from the view and look at Zach.
"Are you sure?" He pokes your arm.
"Are you sure?"
"I don't believe you."
"I'm just thinking about things."
"Thinking about things regarding what?" You ask.
"Regarding us."
"I don't know. I'm just reminiscing."
"God do you have any other questions."
"Why are you reminiscing though? I'm right beside you."
"I don't know I guess I just am a lot more grateful for what we've experienced together."
"I know you miss it."
"Of course I do. I miss having someone to talk to, someone to laugh with, someone just being beside me at night, of fucking course I miss you."
"We'll get there."
"Hopefully." You lay your head on his shoulder.
"How did the girls react when you told them we'd be coming here today?"
"I didn't tell them."
"Why not?"
"I can't handle their reactions a lot of the time."
"You've told me that before haven't you?"
"Wait you're telling me you didn't have the decency to remember."
"You didn't either." The two of you laugh.

Zach and you don't stress too much about talking and having a big elaborate conversation instead of just sitting there in silence. Occasionally one of you would make a comment but really just enjoy your time together. After a while you start to get a little bit peckish and wonder how long you'll be sitting together in silence. "How long are we just going to sit here?" You ask.
"Oh I thought that's what you wanted to do. Just sit here in silence."
"No I want to go grab some food."
"I'll let you go grab some food then." He smiles.
"You don't want to come to?"
"No. It'd just be a lot more work for us to meet somewhere for only you to get food." He stands.
"You're not hungry?"
"No I ate before we arrived."
"I did to but I'm still hungry."
"You're always hungry."
"No that's you." You hold your hand high for him to help you up.
"You say that and expect me to help you up."
"Zachary Dean Herron that is no way to win a girl back." You repeat the same comment you made earlier.
"Deja vu!" He yelps.
"Fine I'll help myself up then." You climb up onto your feet.
"I would have helped you."
"Yeah right."You dust off your shorts.
"I would have." He repeats.
"Just walk okay I'm hungry." You shove him forward.
"I am."
"Ugh you're so annoying."
"Says you."

Finally after some bickering you and Zach make it back to your cars and say your goodbyes. "I'll let you finally go get your food."
"Thank you."
"Will you let me organise something like this again?" Zach asks leaning against this car.
"You look like a player leaning against your expensive corvette."
"Sorry" You defend yourself.
"You're so much meaner now."
"Yes be can plan something again in the future."
"Oh okay."
"I don't know how to say goodbye anymore."
"We can hug, we can slap each other in the face, push each other over, sign goodbye we can do whatever." Zach suggests.
"Can I slap you goodbye and you sing me goodbye?"
You smirk. "Fine."
"Lets just hug then." Zach opens his arms out and you step into them.
"You still look like a player."
"Yes fix it."
"Will you let me take you back if I do?" He smirks.
"It depends."
"You know what just go and get your food." He pushes himself forward off the car.
"I will." You place a kiss on his cheek and climb into your car to go get some food.

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