Chapter Twenty

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|A week later|

Your sitting at home reading a book and enjoying your weekend when you get a call from Zach. "Hey." You answer.
"Hey. What are you doing?" He asks.
"I'm sitting at home reading why?" You respond.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to come and join me at the studio." He explains.
"Wait really." You are in complete shock. Zach has never really asked you to come to the studio before. It's his work. His comfort just like books and your drawings are for you.
"If you grab some food along the way yeah." Zach laughs through the phone.
"What do you want me to grab?" You ask.
"I'll send you the order in a second." He replies.
"Okay will you also send the address?" You ask.
"Of course."
"I'll see you soon then."
"Thank you. I'll come meet you at the door when you get here." He informs you.
"Okay thanks." You hang up.
You get off the phone and check your messages to figure out what your grabbing and where you're bringing it. Once you've figured that all out you grab a hoodie put and some shoes on ready to leave the house to do just that. Collecting yourself some food while you're there.

Getting to the studio you are quite confused as to where you're meant to go so you pull your phone out to give Zach a text

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Getting to the studio you are quite confused as to where you're meant to go so you pull your phone out to give Zach a text. Just as you're about to send it your life flashes before your eyes hearing a knock on your window. Of course it's just Zach.
"Omg. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He apologises.
"That's the second time you've don't that." You laugh trying to catch your breath.
"Yeah I know. I need to find a better way to get your attention." He smiles an awkward smile.
"It's okay. Here is your food." You grab the bag from the passenger seat.
"Thank you. This is really helpful." He smiles taking the bag from you. "Did you get yourself something?"
"Umm yeah."
"Okay I'll send you the money to make up for it." He waits for you to leave the car.
"There is no need." You climb out.
"Whatever you say." He smirks closing the door behind you.
"Please don't."
"I can't make an promises." He shrugs leading the way inside.
"I mean it. You don't need to pay me back." You repeat.
"What have you been up to today?" He asks completely ignoring the conversation you're trying to have.
"I thought I already told you." You fall for his trap.
"Oh yeah reading books in front of the TV." He smiles.
"What about you? How have you been?" You ask.
"I've been good. We've been putting in some hard work." He hold the door open for you. Peering into the room you realise this is the studio. There is a couch and a couple people sitting around on their phones.
"We're back." Zach announces.
"Finally." One of them responds.
"Hey be nice. There was probably a long line." Zach defends you.
"Oh yeah I forget it wasn't you getting the food this time." He replies.
"Yeah. This is my girlfriend Y/n. She'll be joining us for the end of the session right?" Zach introduces you.
"Umm yeah." You respond quietly.
"Well it's nice to meet you Y/n. Thank you for getting us some food." One of the other guys responds.
"No problem."
"Come on we'll sit here." Zach leads the way to the couch.

Sitting on the couch with Zach you don't say much. You just sit and eat your food quietly. He's the one having a conversation. I mean you don't have much to add to the conversation because you're not a musician. A little while after everyone has finished eating they start making moves. Assumable to get back to work. "Well we're going to get back to work. You can just sit here and watch." Zach smile before placing a kiss on your cheek.
"Okay." You smile back.
You're not sure what you were expecting from this experience but being asked to sit there when all you've done is sit quietly it confuses you. You wish that you would have brought something with you to do. Maybe your drawing book and a pen or your book. You'll just have to wait it out though. See what they do. It might be interesting you never know is what you're telling yourself. You also don't want to be that person I mean Zach invited you and to sit on your phone or do something else seems kind of pointless or even rude.

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