Chapter One

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One warm Sunday in LA, you find yourself getting changed, grabbing a tote bag with your romance book, a water bottle, beach towel, headphones and your sketch book. Once you've got everything you then get into your car and make a trip down to the beach.

When you get to the beach you find a secluded spot where you're out of everyone's way

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When you get to the beach you find a secluded spot where you're out of everyone's way. Lay down your towel, pull out your book and continue reading, minding your own business. Trying to find out what happens between to the characters you've recently fell in love with.

You lay there on your towel reading for a good half hour. Just minding your business soaking in all the sun and crashing waves. Until something falls at your feet just as you're turning the page. All of a sudden you are very aware of your surroundings, that worry of course washes away when you sit up, put your book down and find that its just a football. Seriously you need to calm down you're literally sitting on a public beach on a hot day, nothing is going to happen. While trying to search for the owner of said football you're eyes fall on a very handsome, muscly guy. Appearing around the same age as you coming towards you in his blue board shorts and a smile.

"Is this your's?" You ask.
"Ah yeah, sorry to disturb you." He replies.
"It's okay." You say tossing him the football.
"You're book any good." He questions.
"Pardon." You ask confused.
He explains "Its just I saw you reading before."
"Oh its good, I don't think you'd like it if thats why you're wondering."
"What makes you think I wouldn't like it? We only just met." He pokes.
"Just a feeling." You say with a smile appearing on your cheeks.
"Anyway I better get back, thanks and sorry for disturbing you again."
"Its no problem."

You watch for a minute as he takes the football with him back to the group he is with just a couple meters away from where you're sitting. You can't help but watch as his muscles extend and stretch as he throws the ball to one of the other guys. God he was cute. After the interaction you can't seem to bring yourself to pick up your book up again and read. Instead you feel the need to put your headphones in and sketch out this beautiful scene. His beauty. It's not every day you run into a handsome guy your age who actually seems to be nice. To bad you won't see him ever again.

You only last at the beach for another half an hour. Laying on your stomach, listening to music, trying to sketch but continuously getting distracted by the group ahead of you throwing the football back and forth. What happens to pull you out of your trance is a text message from your friends pinging in your ears.


Are we still on for wine tonight?

Yeah I was just getting the charcutery board ready now.

What time did we agree on again?

I'm ready whenever you guys wanna come over.

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