Chapter Eight

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Today you have a lot of things on your agenda. There is a lot to get through. You have to collect some thing and prepare for your date, attend some meetings, get some work done for Lucas, pickup Zach and catch up on the latest episodes of your newest TV show to binge. With all that to get done there is really no time for you to make it to the gym. That doesn't mean you can sit around and spend the time that you would be at the gym in bed through. You get up grab some clothes and start getting ready.

Once you've finished getting ready you grab yourself a shopping bag, keys, wallet and make your way downstairs to your car

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Once you've finished getting ready you grab yourself a shopping bag, keys, wallet and make your way downstairs to your car. You're going to get some coffee before hand but then you have to pick up some cheese, biscuits, wine, bread, dip and even some fruit. Then you have to race home to put everything away before you're meetings. Lucas wants you meet him at his apartment to go over some things and sit in the meetings together. You prefer to have your meetings over Zoom. It helps with the scare of social anxiety. Today you're going over some contacts for a deal with a company. You'll probably stay with Lucas and get most of your work done with him anyway.
Just as you're sitting down with Lucas at his dinning room table, about to go over some things together a text shoots through the noise. You check who it's from and find that it's Zach

Beach boy Zach

⚫️ Beach boy Zach
Where are you

⚫️ You
What do you mean

⚫️ Beach boy Zach
You're not at the gym

⚫️ You
I know I'm not coming today

⚫️ Beach boy Zach

⚫️ You
I have some other things to get done
I'll pick you up later in the afternoon though

⚫️ Beach boy Zach
Okay where are we going?

⚫️ You
Can't tell you

⚫️ Beach boy Zach
Why not

⚫️ You
You didn't tell me

⚫️ Beach boy Zach
Fine what do you want me to wear

⚫️ You
Probably what you're wearing now

⚫️ Beach boy Zach
Gym clothes?

⚫️ You
Yeah some active wear

⚫️ Beach boy Zach
You aren't taking me to the gym for our date are you

⚫️ You
I have some work to get done though I'll talk to you later

⚫️ Beach boy Zach

"Who was that?" Lucas asks after you put your phone back down.
"Just a friend." You answer trying to cut the subject short and get back to work.
"You're going on a date with a friend?" He raises his eyebrows at you.
"First of all don't look at my messages. Second of all we have work to get done." You scold.
"I'm sorry. I didn't realise it was such a touchy subject." He apologises.
"Good now as you were saying?" You sprout a question leading back to the conversation prior too receiving a message from Zach.

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