Chapter Twenty Four

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Around mid day you break away from your very important work (it's not that important) and head down to your appointment. Your appointment to get your nails done for tonight. You don't normally get your nails done, you're constantly at the gym, typing and doing things with your hands, it just seems annoying to have to teach yourself to adapt to so many things just for such a little reward. Every now and again you like to treat yourself though. When better to treat yourself then when you're invited for an event as Kat Castellano's plus one though. No you're very excited for tonight but getting your nails done simply sounded like something fun to do, something relaxing.
While sitting in the chair of course you're texting Zach.

Beach boy Zach

Beach boy Zach
Do you need a ride for tonight?

No Zach I have my own car plus Kat is picking me up

Beach boy Zach
What colour nails are you getting?

They're white

Beach boy Zach
Ooo pretty

Is there a reason your so bored?

Beach boy Zach
Who's said I was bored?

You asking about my nail colour and if I need a ride to the even tonight

Beach boy Zach
Fine I'm a little bored

Why don't you text Jack or go see your family then

Beach boy Zach

Because why

Beach boy Zach
Because I technically have work I'm meant to be doing

Than do that

Beach boy Zach
Ugh but it's annoying

Call your manager then and see if he can help you out a little bit

Beach boy Zach
I hate to break it to you Y/n but Lucas is a LOT nicer than quite a few peoples managers
Often they don't just remove tasks from their list of things to do

I know that and I'm very thankful for Lucas but you can at least discuss with him what's troubling you

Beach boy Zach
Jesus your just as boring


Beach boy Zach
I didn't mean if like that

I know but please just do what you need to do

Beach boy Zach
Find you owe me one tomorrow though

Really what do you want to do

Beach bog Zach
I don't know you have to surprise me
I'll come over once you're done with your meeting


Beach boy Zach
Omg I'm so excited

Your so stupid

"All done." The mail artist announces.
"Omg these look amazing thank you." You stare at the beautiful art on your finger tips.
"You should get your nails done more often."
"Oh I don't know they don't really work in my day to day life." You explain.
"Make them work."
"Oh I don't know it's kind of special getting them done on occasions."
"You've done a very good job though. They're beautiful. I'm very happy." You smile as you stand up.

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