58 - Take care of you

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TW: Sexual content

'Tell me everything.'

'Oh my God, I'm exhausted!'

After a quick bite when my shift ended, I headed back to the hotel room to see Dan after my very first day of work. He'll be able to move into his new apartment in just a couple of days, but for now, he's still staying here.

He laughs when I let myself fall back onto the bed without bothering to take off my jacket or my shoes.

'Are you?' he asks, sitting down next to me. 'You need a massage tonight, honey?'

'Oh! Don't tell me you know how to give a good massage.'

I push myself up to meet his face and bring my lips close to his.

'You are just too perfect.'

He grins and looks down at my lips just before I kiss him. He kisses me back and gently cups my cheek while we share a long, intimate kiss.

I love to kiss him. And especially now, it makes me feel better. Because the truth is that last night was on my mind a lot today. I don't like that he lied to Mom about us being together. I'm afraid it will just make everything worse. But all of my worries disappear to the back of my mind when he kisses me.

And fortunately, they kept me too busy at Love and Latte's today to worry about it all too much.

'So tell me,' Dan says again.

'It was pretty fun,' I tell him excitedly. 'Chloe showed me how everything works. Those machines are actually pretty complicated, but I managed all right. Then she had me try to make some latte art, well, that was a disaster. But I'm sure I'll get better at it. For the next few days, I'll be partnered up with Joey while I get the hang of everything. The clients were nice, mostly. And, you know, I didn't screw anything up yet, so... jeej!'

Dan smiles at me and gives me another kiss.

'Of course you didn't screw up. Did you think you would?'

'Well, I could have.'

I was feeling more nervous this morning than I'd like to admit. But I put on a brave face and didn't let anyone see it. And throughout the day, I could fake it less and less, because everything went pretty well. Chloe's really nice, I think we'll get along great. And Joey doesn't seem too bad either. A bit of a gossip maybe and a tad suspicious of new people, but I think we'll be alright once we get to know each other better. He was a lot more patient than I had expected, they're really giving me all the time to learn everything.

'But you didn't,' Dan says. 'I'm proud of you.'

I feel like such an idiot that it makes me feel so good when he says that. But it does.

'Thanks,' I say, a little shyly.

'Pfoe, I really am exhausted, though. It's been a while since I was on my feet all day.'

'Well, kick off your shoes, take off your clothes and lie down so I can give you that massage. It's time to relax.'

'You were serious?' I ask him, a little surprised.

'Of course. Let me take care of you, baby.'

At some point, I'll stop blushing around him, won't I? But not yet, it seems.

Smiling stupidly, I do as he says and kick off my shoes. Then I get up from the bed to strip down to my underwear. I wiggle my eyebrows at Dan before I take off my shirt, because he's very obviously staring.

'How was your day?' I ask him while I take off my clothes.

'It was fine,' he says, sounding distracted. 'But it's starting to get really good.'

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