47 - Come on in

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I didn't expect to cry over an old wizard falling into an abyss last night, but I did. I only stopped crying when Dan spoilered that he would in fact come back in the next movie.

When the movie ended, I went to sleep in Mel's bed and Dan slept on her couch. Nothing happened. Even if I had wanted to, I would have been too tired anyway. So I wake up by myself in the bed somewhere around 10.

I can see Dan at the kitchen table, typing on his laptop while he's having a coffee. It's Thursday, so he's working from home and he took some hours off in the afternoon to check out that apartment as well.

Unwilling to get out of bed yet, I turn my back to him and grab my phone. I see that Mel has texted me again. She's texted me a few times during the week, asking me how I'm doing. I kept my replies short and asked her how she's doing on vacation instead. I'll tell her everything when she gets back.

I wonder what she'll think of me. My mother may have done things wrong, but there's no excuse for kissing Dan when they were still together. I tried not to think too much about my mother yesterday. And I was so upset on Tuesday, when she kicked me out. But today, I woke up wondering how she's feeling.

All of this can't be easy on her either. Even if she doesn't care about me, I'm sure she did care about Dan. It must have hurt when she found those messages on his laptop and wondered what might have happened. And if must have hurt to lose him. I know it would break my heart.

I did try to apologize when I told her, but she wouldn't listen. Of course, she was far too angry. I don't know if she'll ever want to make up with me again. I'm not even sure if I want to. But maybe I owe it to her to apologize again.

My fingers tremble a little bit when I look up her number. But it doesn't stop me from writing her a message.

I'm sorry I hurt you. I hope you're doing okay.

Then I quickly put my phone away. I don't even know if I want her to respond or not.

Dan looks up when I yawn dramatically and get out of the bed. Despite what he said last night, I do decide to put on the robe again. It covers up a lot more than my pajamas do. And everything is less tempting in the broad daylight anyway.

'Morning,' he says.

'Morning,' I say, walking over to the kitchen to grab some coffee. 'So? Hard at work, or hardly working?'

Dan snorts.

'What are you, a middle-aged man in a sitcom?'

'Just trying to create an office vibe for you.'

'Have you ever actually been in an office?'

'Thank God, no,' I say, plunging down on a chair at the table as well. I pull my laptop towards me and open it up. I'm going to look into some things today again.

Dan laughs.

'So you're not thinking about an office-job then?'

I look up at him over my laptop. I haven't put much more thought to my future career path the last few days. With everything that's going on. I'll be happy if I get the coffee shop job and then I'll look around from there.

'Well, I guess lots of jobs are at offices, so I might just end up there at some point. Would you recommend something like your job?'

He told me he's a product owner at some sort of data solution company. What that means exactly, I've no idea. Dan never really loves to talk about his job too much.

'It's pretty boring,' he sighs. 'But it pays the bills.'

'You should be a professional guitar player,' I say enthusiastically. 'You're so good! The entire band is, you guys should be famous.'

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