54 - Champagne

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It feels a little weird to walk past the lobby, but nobody stops me and Dan told me what room he's staying in, so I head straight for the elevator.

He told me that he had a cab take him straight to the nearest motel with 24-hour service last night, because he was mostly just concerned about getting far away from the embarrassment in Mel's apartment. But since it will take a few days to get the paperwork for the apartment in order, he decided to check in to a nicer hotel this morning.

I had a lot of catching up to do with Mel. And a lot of cleaning up to do as well. Because I wasn't expecting her until this evening, her apartment was still a bit of a mess, so after the interview I went back to her place to tidy up and then we cooked together and had a lovely dinner. But of course I missed Dan, so when he invited me to stay at the hotel with him tonight, I didn't hesitate to say yes.

Spending the night here with Dan is exciting. But also nerve-wracking. I was more than ready to take it all the way yesterday, but now I'm completely sober again. I just feel like there's more pressure on it than there usually is. Like it will really seal something between us. And well, I really hope it won't be a disappointment. For me or for him. Though I'm pretty sure it won't be after the things we've already done to each other.

My heart takes a little leap when he opens the door to answer my knocking. It's only been a day, but I already missed him.

I smile brightly and throw my arms open.

'I've got a job!'

'Congratulations, honey.'

Dan reaches out and grabs my waist to pull me into the room. As the door closes behind us, he kisses me tenderly.

'I knew you could do it,' he says, holding me tightly in his arms. I smile happily up at him.

It is such a thrill to be with him. Just to look into those hazel eyes and feel those strong arms around me. Nothing's even happened yet, but I can already feel the atmosphere shifting.

We were both so ready to take things further yesterday, before we got so rudely interrupted. I haven't seen him since, but now that I'm with him again, I'm starting to feel like it won't take long for us to pick up where we left off.

'When do you start?'

'Monday,' I tell him.

'Oh,' he exclaims. 'That's fast.'

'The faster the better. I need some fucking money.'

'You know I'll help you out until you get back on your feet.'

I smile and slide further into his arms, resting my head against his shoulder.

'You're so sweet. But I don't want to keep mooching off you forever.'

His chest vibrates under my hand when he laughs. I close my eyes in satisfaction when he strokes hair.

'Well, I'm happy for you. We should have a drink to celebrate.'

'You want to go out?' I ask him. I catch the disappointment in my voice when I say the words. I know I suggested it yesterday, but after everything that happened, I just want to be with him. Do the kind of things you don't get away with in the middle of a club.

'If you want. Or we could order roomservice.'

I pull up my head to look at him. Though I know he was very embarrassed last night, that doesn't seem to be the feeling that has lingered. His eyes glow with a hunger that makes me feel hot.

I swallow before I answer him.


His smile stretches wider. Then he reaches out to take my chin into his fingers, making it impossible to look at anything but him. Not that I wanted to.

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