49 - Fucking perfect

474 9 11

TW: Sexual content

Dan kisses me slowly, gently. His fingertips brush over my cheek and my cheekbone, almost like he's afraid to touch me. This kiss is different from the others.

The first kiss, though it certainly wasn't just a drunken kiss, would definitely not have happened if we hadn't been hyped up on alcohol and the excitement of the night.

The second time we made out, here in Mel's bed, I think that was our bodies reacting to being so close to each other. We were still half-dreaming, not entirely thinking about what we were doing.

But this time... It has to be deliberate, right? We're not half-wasted or half-asleep. There are no mind-meddling factors at play here. Though my mind still feels a little scrambled when his lips carefully open mine and he runs his hand into my hair. My God, is this really happening?

I want this more than anything, but after everything he said today, I have to make sure.

I put a hand on his chest and lightly push him back. His breath is hot on my skin when he parts his lips from mine. He doesn't go far. His nose brushes against mine and he runs his fingers over my jaw.

'Are you sure about this, Dan?'

I almost can't believe I'm even asking him. It's not like he doesn't already have enough doubts in his mind. But I can't have him regret it again. If we go through with this now, I know I'll really be in too deep.

'I can't promise you that it will work out, Emma,' he says softly. 'Everything I said is still true, but... You were right too. Love isn't nothing and I think...'

His eyes look deep into mine. He frowns a little. Like he's not sure if he should say it.

'I think I'm falling in love with you.'

A small, nervous smile spreads across my lips. I told Mel that I thought I was in love with Dan before Mom was even back. I was hoping it would pass back then, but it has only gotten worse. With every moment we've spent together.

'I think I'm falling in love with you too.'

When he smiles at me, a heat seems to spread from my heart to every part of my body. He pulls me against him for a moment and kisses my forehead.

'So we'll try?' I ask him, nerves and excitement rushing through me. 'You don't need to promise me anything and I get that the odds may be against us... But we'll see if this can work?'

'Yes,' he says, still with that smile on his face. 'If you want to. I mean, you might be right. After all the mess we've caused, maybe we owe it to ourselves.'

I smile at him. But I can feel my lips quiver. My body feels electric just from having him touch me. I have to be careful not to get my hopes up too much. I understand that it might not work out. But if he wants to try this with me, of course I'll go for it.

So I lean in to him and land my lips on his again. He is quick to return his hands to me. I love the way he cups my face. There is a tenderness in it that I've never experienced with another man before.

His other hand takes my waist, and his body presses against mine. But neither of us rushes to move things further. I'm not sure how long we stand there, making out. Carefully exploring each other's bodies.

The feel of his chest beneath my hands sends a thrill through me. The way his soft hair slides through my fingers makes my skin tingle. When I run my fingers over the edge of his jeans and imagine what might hide beneath it, my entire body flares up.

And the way his lips feel on mine... The way our tongues slowly get acquainted... It makes me feel better than any amount of alcohol ever could.

When he takes his mouth of mine to kiss my neck, I lean my head back and moan softly. Dan smiles and slides his hand onto the back of my neck to hold me when he kisses me again.

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