50 - Stupid girl

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'Oh,' I say, smiling softly while I brush my fingers over his neck and chest. 'Then I guess I lied too. Because I told Mel I was in love you after you came to find me that night that I... that I freaked out.'

'I was so worried about you,' he says. 'Maybe I should have realized it then, too. But I didn't. I didn't really know how I felt about you until you ran off and then showed up at my show.'

'You were so handsome on that stage,' I tell him with a smile.

Of course, that was the night that everything changed. I could feel it too, when he hugged me right after the show. But I didn't want to let myself believe it. I couldn't. He was my mother's boyfriend.

Fuck. He was my mother's boyfriend until... this fucking Tuesday. It feels like a lifetime has passed since then. But it hasn't.

I pull back from him a little when the thought hits me. It is crazy that he's been with my mother before me. The thought alone should make me sick. But during everything we did just now, it wasn't even on my mind. All I could think about was him.

He must notice the shift in my eyes because he frowns a little and brushes my face.

'You alright?'

'Yeah,' I say. 'It's just... kinda crazy, isn't it?'

Mel will tell me that I've lost my mind when she finds out. Judging by what Yuki told Dan, I'm sure she'll have some strong feelings too. Uncle Bob was surprisingly kind to me over the phone, but I could sense that he was pretty upset with Dan so I wonder how he'll feel when he finds out that we're trying to see if this can work out.

And if Mom finds out... Well, I guess I don't have to consider how she'll feel about it. She doesn't want me in her life anyway.

'It is,' he says, pulling me against him again. 'But I'm happy to be here with you.'

I'm happy to be here with him too. Right now, the rest doesn't matter. I am here in his arms and I've never felt like this before.

We're still naked. But after that sweet release, I've no desire to take things even further at the moment. Right now, it just feels amazing to cuddle together and have him softly stroke my back.

'What do you want to do now?' he asks. 'It's still pretty early.'

'We could watch the next Lord of the Rings movie?' I suggest. 'You said the old wizard guy was coming back to life, right?'

'The old wizard guy,' he splutters. I laugh at his indignation. It's so cute how he cares about these silly things. 'Yes, Gandalf is making his return as the White Wizard.'

'And Legolas will be there too?'

'Yes,' Dan chuckles.

'Then what are we waiting for?'

We both put on some comfortable clothes and get comfy in the bed, from where we can see the screen as well. We spend the rest of the night cuddled against each other, watching the movie. And afterwards, we fall asleep in each other's arms.

We certainly don't keep our hands or our lips off of each other but things don't get as hot and heavy again as they did earlier. But I wonder how far we'll take it tomorrow. With that to look forward to, I fall asleep more contendly than I've been in a long time.


We woke up to the sound of Dan's alarm. It's kind of crazy to me that he manages to focus on work at all in the midst of all this. After having his warm body against mine the whole night, the bed feels kind of big and cold without him, but I linger in it for a while after he leaves, anyway.

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