48 - For nothing

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'Oh my God. This is amazing! How did you know this place again?'

'I used to live around here.'

Dan grins at the look of undeniable bliss on my face when I take another bite of the best butter chicken I've ever had in my life. Dan took me to an Indian restaurant that's so small, I never would have found it if he hadn't walked me straight to the entrance. And the food is unbelievable.

'I told you you'd like it,' Dan says, a smug smile on his face.

'You were right.'

The butter chicken we made ourselves is an absolute joke compared to this. This is what it's supposed to taste like. I savor every bite.

Dan's so sweet for taking me here. After getting that text from Mom, I could really use the distraction. It's not like it was unexpected. She barely liked to talk to me before and now... Anybody would be furious, of course. And Mom probably even more so than the average person. I never should have sent that text. She's wanted me out of her life for a long time and I gave her a reason to actually do it.

I don't want to think about it right now. I'm here with Dan and amazing food. All things considered, things are pretty good right now.

'Aren't you supposed to be at band practice soon?' I ask Dan when I notice the time. They have it every Thursday night. I hadn't thought about that when he suggested going out for dinner.

'I let them know I'm skipping today. Since we've had the gig and we don't have anything new planned, that's not really a problem.'

The gig. It's crazy to think that it was less than a week ago. It was such an amazing night. So incredible to see him on that stage. And to see the way his face lit up when he realized I was there. But then at home... the kiss. That was amazing too. But only in the moment.

'What did Yuki say?' I ask Dan tentatively. 'You told her what happened, right?'

That much was clear in the messages Mom showed me. It was stupid of him to be so careless. He never should have put anything about it in text.

His face turns a little uncomfortable. I can imagine the fierce lead singer did not hold anything back.

'She said I was a fucking idiot,' he admits. 'That kissing you when I was still with Lainey was the dumbest fucking thing I've ever fucking dumb in my entire fucking life.'

I snort softly. I'm sure the curse words aren't an exaggeration on Dan's part. He sighs a little.

'She never liked Lainey, as you know. She said I should have broken up with her a long time ago. That it could have saved everybody from a lot of shit.'

She's not wrong. If Dan had broken up with her, I never even would have met him. And none of this would have happened. I wonder what it would be like, though. I still would have told her about med school at some point, and without Dan trying to help out, she might have kicked me out for that.

'Yuki loves you,' he continues. 'But she um... she kind of figured that you had a bit of a crush on me.'

A crush! Like I'm some sort of girl in high school. Dan gives me an apologetic look when he sees my face.

'Her words,' he says quickly. 'Anyway, she was much harsher on me, don't worry.'

'Why, what did she say?'

He shrugs a little uncomfortably. And lowers his voice for the next part.

'I should have used my brain and set some healthy boundaries instead of listening to my dick, like all men do.'

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