65 - It's fine

136 3 6

3 months later


'Morning, Emma.'

'Morning, Ravi. One large black coffee, as usual?'

'You know it.'

I smile at the handsome man on the other side of the counter as I put in his order. He comes by here almost every day at 10, claiming the coffee at his office tastes like garbage water.

I always like to see him. He likes to make some conversation, and if I'm being honest, there's often a bit of innocent flirting. Which is pretty flattering, coming from a man like him.

'Slow morning?' he asks me as I turn around to prepare his coffee.

'It's been alright. The morning rush is just over.'

'Oh, good. Wouldn't want you to get bored.'

'Don't worry about that. Never a dull moment at Love & Latte's.'

I smile at him as I hand him his coffee. He takes it from me, but hesitates before leaving. I look at him curiously which makes him laugh a little self-consciously.

His gaze drops down for a moment, but then he turns his eyes deliberately back to me.

'I want to take you out. Are you free for dinner tonight?'

'Oh!' I exclaim, my cheeks turning pink at the sudden forward proposal.

'I'm, uhh... I wasn't expecting that.'

'You weren't?' he asks with a grin. 'I guess I've been too subtle then.'

I laugh and drum my fingers on the counter. He really is very handsome. And very charming. Judging by the clothes he wears, pretty successful too.

But I haven't been on a real date since Dan. And though it's been three months, I'm still not ready to open up to anybody now.

'Actually, I do have plans tonight. I'm going out with some friends.'

'That's too bad,' he says. If he's disappointed, his unwavering smile doesn't show it. 'Am I making too much of a fool of myself if I ask if you're available any other night?'

I laugh, feeling a little embarrassed having this conversation when there's customers at a table close enough to overhear. Not to mention Joey, who I know is listening to every word while he pretends to be busy filling up the beans.

'I... I'm flattered,' I tell him. 'But honestly, I'm just not really dating right now.'

He nods along, accepting the defeat gracefully. Then he gives me a wink that makes me blush again and smiles at me one more time.

'If you ever change your mind... I'm here every day.'

'I'll let you know.'

I let out my breath as I watch him leave the place and wave my hands at my face, trying to get rid of the blush. But before I even get a chance to recover, Joey pops up beside me.

'Are you fucking kidding me. That man is gorgeous.'

'He's great! I just don't feel like going out with anybody.'

'It's been, what? Three months since you played out your whole Shakespearean drama with the old guy? It's time to get back in the game, honey.'

'Three months is not that long,' I snarl back at him. 'I'm not ready.'

'You know, if you go without sex too long you'll actually revert back to being a virgin. You keep this up, you're going to die a virgin.'

'I may not have finished med school, but I was there for long enough to know it doesn't exactly work like that.'

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