52 - What the fuck

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We're all over each other in the back of the cab on our way back to Mel's apartment. His hands are in my hair and mine travel up and down his chest while we make our tirelessly. He told me he'd never thought he'd ever do something like what we just did in that club, but it clearly got him very excited. I can't wait for all the things we'll do to each other as soon as we get home.

The cab ride is only going to be a few more minutes, so I decide to get him worked up just a little bit more. I put my hand on his leg and slowly slide it up higher and higher. He shifts in his seat a little and looks over my shoulder to make sure the driver isn't looking at us through the rear view mirror.

Dan makes no move to stop me, so I run my hand up all the way to the bulge in his pants that must be throbbing painfully by now. At the same time I bring my lips up to his ear and whisper to him.

'I want you, Dan.'

'Fuck,' he mumbles, sitting up straighter when I stroke my hand over him.

I giggle excitedly, but then I pull my hand away, because we're almost there. Dan yells a quick thank you to the driver and then ushers us both out of the taxi as fast as he can. He takes a hold of my waist and practically grinds against me while I take out the key to unlock the door to the building.

'Stop it,' I chuckle. 'I need to focus.'

'Hurry up,' he tells me, only holding me more tightly. 'I need you.'

I don't need to be told that twice. I manage to get the key in and we both rush to the stairs. But I only get up one flight before Dan grabs me and pushes me up against the wall. I meet his hungry kiss excitedly and grab his hair to hold him even closer.

With my other hand, I move to his belt. It takes some effort to undo it with one hand, but I manage, and then getting his jeans unbuttoned isn't too difficult.

'Fuck,' he groans again when I reach into his boxers and wrap my hand around his hard dick. I stroke him slowly and he closes his eyes while he whimpers against my hair. He might have gotten a little too excited in the club and the taxi. At this rate he'll only last a few minutes.

'Let's go upstairs,' I say, pulling back my hand. 'I want you inside of me.'

'Yes,' is his only answer. He pulls up his pants a little, takes my hand and pulls me up the rest of the stairs. When we reach the door, getting it to open takes some effort again, but then we tumble inside and he has me in his arms again within seconds. He wastes no time to get me out of my top and I pull his jeans down to let them drop onto the floor. All while we make our way to the bed, never taking our mouths off of each other.

But then...

'Oh my God, Emma!'

I let out a cry of terror that might very well alarm the neighbors when the light switches on and a very disturbed Mel gapes at me from the bed.

'Shit!' Dan curses, backing up to hide himself, but of course, Mel looks at him. She blinks once. Twice. Then she gasps so loudly the neighbors might have heard that as well.

'No!' she yells out.

Dan has found his way back to the door and struggles to pull his pants back up. I look from him back to Mel who looks like she's about to burst out in either tears, screams or manic laughter.

'It's not what it looks like,' I tell her, without even knowing what I mean by that.

'What the fuck, Emma?' she yells at me, her eyes switching continuously between me and Dan.

I look over at him too. He hovers by the door, clearly in great distress. He looks at me with panic in his eyes. I need to do something about this situation.

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