55 - Love you

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TW: Sexual content

My heart pounds fast when he reaches for me. Even just making out with him is still such a thrill. I'll never get tired of this. But tonight, I want more. I want everything.

And it's clear that he does too. His hand slides down from my face to my neck to my breast where it remains. I moan softly when his strong fingers tighten and my nipple reacts to the movement.

I want to feel more of that. So I pull my lips away from him to take off my shirt. Which encourages Dan to take off my bra as well. Though he's seen them before, he takes a moment to appreciate my naked breasts. Despite my earlier resolutions, a blush rises to my face again.

'You like what you see?' I ask him, hoping to seem more brash than I'm feeling. Dan's gaze switches back to my eyes and he smiles.

'You're so goddamn beautiful, Emma.'

I smile too as he leans in to kiss my neck while he takes my breast into his hand. I let myself slide down slowly, until I'm on my back completely and Dan leans over me to kiss my lips. While his tongue explores every inch of my mouth, I grab the hem of his shirt and pull it up. He only breaks contact for a short moment to let me lift it over his head before he plunges down on me again.

'My beautiful barista,' he mumbles at me between kisses. It makes me giggle. Then I wrap my fingers into his hair as he kisses my neck, my jaw, my collarbone.

This is nothing like sex with Calvin. Or most of the guys I've been with. I mean, I liked that. But it was just quick desire, it honestly didn't matter much who the guy was and it didn't matter to them who I was.

But Dan cares about who I am. And he takes his time. No need to rush out of our clothes and get to the main event. He's enjoying getting to know each part of my body. And so am I.

I gasp a little when he takes my nipple into my mouth and flicks his tongue over it. Dan chuckles and moves up to my face again.

'I like the little sounds you make,' he whispers into my ear before he kisses me again. Now, he reaches for my jeans. The heat between my legs intensifies when he loosens the button and slides down my zipper. Then he moves down to wrap his fingers around the edge of my jeans and pulls it all the way down, off my legs and tosses it onto the floor.

When he moves back up, he does it slowly. Because he stops everywhere to kiss me. First, my ankles and my knees, which makes me giggle. Then my hips and my thighs. I bite the inside of my cheek when he moves up higher and higher.

Finally, he reaches my panties. Usually, I wear whatever's comfortable. But I put in some extra effort tonight. I wore a dark red set, trimmed with lace. Sadly, he didn't exactly take any time to admire the exquisite bra. But he takes a moment now to admire the panties. It's cut low and parts of it are see through, leaving just enough to the imagination. Two thin strands run a little higher up my hips on both sides. When I put it on before I left here and checked myself out in Mel's bathroom mirror, I already got excited thinking about how he'd take them off me.

'You always wear such sexy lingerie?' he asks, running his thumb across the edge of it.

'I wore it for you,' I admit, again with a faint blush. 'Do you like it?'

'For me?' he repeats, his voice turning even huskier.

He moves all the way up to my face again now, but he hands lingers on my panties. My entire body heats up when he runs his fingers over the already damp fabric.

'Yes,' I sigh, taking a hold of his face. His eyes turn hungry when he sees me bite my lip when he presses his fingers down on me.

'I wanted to look hot for you,' I tell him breathlessly.

'Well,' he grins, relishing in the effect he has on me as he keeps moving his fingers up and down. 'Mission accomplished.'

'Good.' I kiss him again and moan softly when his movements grow firmer. 'Then we can get rid of them now.'

'Is that what you want?' he teases me. I pout him when he takes his hand away. He chuckles and takes one of the strands between his fingers.

'You want to get rid of this?'

He lifts up the strand and lets it snap back in place.

'Yes, Dan,' I tell him, rolling to my side to press my body against him. 'I want to get rid of that. And I want you to get rid of your jeans and your underwear. And then I want you.'

He smiles mischievously for a moment. But then he looks into my eyes and something seems to shift. The hungry desire makes place for something else. Something I haven't seen in the eyes of any guy I've ever been with before.

He traces my hair softly with his fingers and tugs it behind my ear where he lets his hands rest. All the while, I don't think I could look away from his eyes even if I wanted to.

'I love you, Emma.'

I think my heart stops for a moment. I was right to be nervous. This isn't like the sex I've had before. This means something. I know he's told me that he can't make me any promises. That there's a big chance this won't work out. And I know I told him that I understand all that. But when this happens, I know I'll be tied to him forever. And the truth is, that that's exactly what I want.

'I love you too,' I tell him, in barely more than a whisper. His smile is so loving that it makes my chest ache.

Maybe Dan was right before. That leaving would be the wise thing to do. I should probably protect my heart and stop this now. Because after this, I know I'll never recover if it doesn't work out.

But who am I kidding? I've passed the point of no return a long time ago. There's no way I'm backing down now.

We don't speak for a long while. Our mouths are too occupied by long, slow kisses. Then faster kisses. I relish in every touch of his hands on my body. Soon, my panties come off. And so do his clothes. And when we're lying naked in each other's arms, it's like the whole world disappears. And I know, deep down in my soul, that whatever anyone will think of us, we'll make this work.

He's gentle when he enters me, as I had expected. I'll tell him later that he can be a little rough with me. For tonight, this is exactly what I want. He buries his face in my neck as he slowly moves in and out of me and I hold him tightly as I gasp for breath whenever he pushes into me.

I love the way he feels inside of me. Needing him deeper, I wrap my legs around him and push up my hips. He takes the hint and starts to trust a little harder. Pushing himself up, he takes a hold of my hips and digs his fingers into my flesh as he thrusts and thrusts.

I throw my arms up above my head and hold on to the edge of the matrass, moaning while I let him admire the rise and fall of my breasts. He runs a hand up to grab one of them and pinches my nipple between his fingers. I bite my lip and moan loudly to let him know I like it.

And he knows how to read the signs I give him. He kisses me and touches me in all the right places while he fills me up again and again until I feel my body explode and my nails draw red stripes over his back as I hold on to him. Seconds later, he comes too, deep inside of me with his fingers tangled into my hair and his lips close to my ear so I can hear his shuddering breath.

When he's done, I keep my arms around him to hold him in place because I don't want to let him go just yet. We both breathe hard while our bodies slowly recover from that burst of sensations.

Only when my heart rate has returned to a somewhat slower rate do I let my arms slide off of him and he lets himself fall down next to me. He lays his hand on my cheek and kisses my jaw.

'I love you,' he tells me again.

A rush of emotion goes through me when he pulls me closer to him. It's been a while since I felt it, so it takes me a moment to realize what it even is.

But then I look at him, and I know what it is. It's happiness. Just simple happiness. A huff of elated laughter escapes me when I realize that. And I turn to my side to hug him and nuzzle up against his shoulder.

'I love you.'

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