61 - Welcome to the building

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TW: Sexual content

'How many books can a person have?' I complain when I open up the box that I promised to put away.

Today has been great. Chloe offered me a contract for only four days so I'm free today and Dan took the day off too, because he got the keys to his new apartment. It's a relief to be out of the hotel room. Though it was a nice room, there's a lot more space here.

When we arrived a couple hours ago, we celebrated the new place by making love on the couch that came with the place. But after that, it was time to get to business. We've done some groceries to stock up the place and now we're unpacking the stuff he managed to bring from the house.

'That's not even half of it,' Dan tells me. 'There are still 4 boxes back... there.'

I know he avoids saying her name. Or worse, saying your mom. It suits me just fine. I avoid it as much as I can as well. Though I know we're going to have to talk about her again at some point.

'They can't all be as full as this one,' I say, giving him an incredulous look.

'I didn't have much time,' he says, walking over to look into the box. 'I took the two lightest ones.'

I scoff in disbelief. Then I flick his shoulders with the book I picked up and move close to him.

'You're such a nerd.'

Then I laugh and kiss him shortly to get rid of the offended expression.

'You're a nerd,' is his pathetic comeback. Then I shriek when he grabs me without warning and pushes me back against the still-empty bookcase.

But once my back hits the shelves and I realize I'm not going to lose balance, I smile and throw my arms around his neck.

'No, I'm not. But I fell in love with one.'

'That's even worse.'

I wonder if it will ever get less exciting to kiss him. I'm starting to doubt it, because when he presses his lips against mine now, it makes my heart race just as fast as it did the first time.

He takes a firm hold of my waist and takes his time to kiss me. A soft rumble of pleasure escapes my throat when his tongue meets mine. And a louder one follows when he moves his lips to my neck and sucks my skin. 

I close my eyes as I take in the unbelievably pleasant feeling.

'I want you to fuck me on every surface in this place,' I tell him huskily.

He chuckles. And the air that escapes him tickles my neck.

'You and your bad fucking mouth,' he says, before he kisses my mouth again. A little rougher, this time.

'You got a problem with it?' I ask when our lips are apart for a moment.

'Yes,' he replies. 'How am I supposed to get anything done like this?'

I laugh when he takes off my shirt with a smooth motion. Then he leans down to kiss the top of my breasts, any skin that isn't hidden under my bra.

My hands move to his belt and I'm just about to unbuckle it when suddenly... the doorbell goes off. Dan looks over in the direction of the hallway with annoyance written all over his face. I laugh at the sight of it.

'Maybe your new neighbors want to welcome you,' I say, letting my hand slide off his belt again.

'Screw the neighbors,' he says, running his hand up to my bra. I giggle, but put my hand on his chest and push him lightly away.

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