62 - Sugarmommy

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'Pick anything you like.'

'Anything, huh?'

'Yes, anything. Except if you also want dessert, in that case, anything under 15 dollars.'

Dan chuckles as he looks at me over his menu. Then he returns his attention to the options in front of him.

I took Dan to an Italian place to treat him, because I finally got my first salary. Like I promised. Even though he's told me over and over that he can pay so I can save my money, I insist that the bill will go to me.

And coincidentally, we're also celebrating our one-month anniversary. It's been about three weeks since we moved into Dan's new apartment. About a month since we decided to give us a chance. It's been amazing.

Okay, it hasn't been all good. When I couldn't dodge Liv anymore, I told her the truth and it was absolutely mortifying to watch the faces she pulled. And I know she told others, even though I asked her not to, because I've run into some friends and saw the way they looked at me.

But honestly, I don't really care. Everything is still good with Mel and she's even come over for a dinner with Dan there. She wasn't her usual self, but she wasn't too hateful to him either, and she did grudgingly admit that we seemed very happy together. And though not everyone in Dan's band thinks our relationship is a good idea, they've been nothing but kind to me. And those are the people that mean the most to us.

Well, some of the people that matter most to us, anyway. Dan's going over to his parents a week from now for his mother's birthday. He hasn't really said much about it, but I can tell he's nervous about telling them everything. I just hope it goes well so hopefully I can meet them sometime.

And then there's my mother. Neither of us has spoken to her since that time Dan went over there. She hasn't reached out and neither have we.

Dan did promise that we'd tell her we were together but whenever I mentioned it, he said he needed more time. I understand why he doesn't want to do it, because it's going to be a horrible fucking conversation. But I just know that she's going to find out anyway, especially since more people know about it now. A pit forms in my stomach whenever I think about how she'll feel when she does. What she might do.

So I try not to think about it too much. And most of the time, that's not too difficult. Because for the first time in a long time, I'm actually happy. I like my job at Love & Latte's. Chloe's great and it turns out Joey just needs some time to warm up to people, so with every passing week, we get along better. I actually think we might someday be friends. I'm getting better at the job every day and after some practice, I'm actually pretty good at making latte art. And I love chatting with the customers. Most of them are pretty friendly and some regulars are actually starting to recognize me. Some aren't exactly great, but it is pretty fun to bitch about them with Joey when they've left the place.

And in my free time, there's Dan. Everything is so easy with him. We don't need much to have a great time. We just enjoy cooking together, having candlelight dinners, watching movies, playing a game. And when we don't feel like staying in, we go out to the movies or a restaurant. I love that he likes to go out dancing with me too.

I'd been feeling stressed out for so long, I didn't even remember what this could feel like.

'I'll have the lasagne. And does the budget allow for a side of garlic rolls, my dear?'

'I suppose I could ask Chloe for some extra hours,' I tell him. 'Anything to spoil my sweet lover.'

He laughs and bats my hand away when I reach over the table to squeeze his cheek.

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