51 - She's mine

345 3 4

TW: Sexual content

'What kind of ideas?' Dan asks me, pulling me in closer. The way he then kisses me makes it more than clear that he knows exactly what kind of ideas I'm talking about.

The 40 minutes seem to pass faster than usual and when the sound of the oven goes off, we'd both half-forgotten about the lasagna. Both of us topless, and our jeans unbuttoned for easier access to certain parts, he's on top of me on the couch, still kissing me passionately even though my lips feel a little swollen at this point.

We startle when the beep goes off, but then I push him back quickly and let myself fall off the couch to rush to the oven and find out if I managed to make a decent lasagna.

'Relax,' Dan chuckles. 'It's not going to burn in a few seconds.'

'It looks good!' I tell him excitedly.

I put on the oven gloves and carefully take the dish out of the oven while Dan fixes himself up and puts on a fresh t-shirt. Then he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me to grab my still naked breasts.

'You look good. Topless cooking should be a thing.'

I laugh and bite my lip when he kisses my neck. I almost contemplate going back to what we were doing, but I didn't go through all this trouble for nothing.

'What do you think?' I ask, dragging his hands down to my waist so he might actually be able to focus.

'It looks really good. I'm impressed. Thank you for cooking, honey.'

'You're welcome,' I smile. This stupid lasagna is making me way happier than it should. 'Do you wanna put it on a plate for us? I'll get dressed.'

'What's wrong with this outfit?'

I stick out my tongue to him after I unwrap myself from his arms and walk back to the couch to find my clothes. I quickly put on my shirt again before I join Dan at the table where he's prepared two plates of lasagna. He also pours us both a glass of wine and soon we're ready to take the first bite.

'This is really good,' Dan says, pulling a face like it's the best lasagna he's ever had in his life. I know he's exaggerating, but it still makes me smile.

'You think?'

'Yes. Have you thought about opening a restaurant?'

I roll my eyes and grin.

'Shut up, idiot.'

He chuckles too and continues to eat his lasagna. Exaggeration aside, I do agree that it turned out pretty well. I must say I'm rather proud of myself.

'I wanted to tell you something,' Dan says. 'I'm thinking about taking the apartment we saw yesterday.'

'Oh you are? You don't want to see anything else?'

Dan shrugs.

'I could, but honestly it was pretty perfect. Lots of space, good neighborhood. It's great that it's furnished. And I can move in as soon as all the paperwork's handled. So why look any further, right?'

'I guess you're right. I'm sure Lisa will be very excited to hear from you.'

Dan looks up at me and chuckles at the tone of my voice.

'You're not jealous, are you?'

'Of course not,' I splutter. 'Unless you're interested?'

'Trust me. I'm not about to make this mess any messier by dragging someone else into it.'

I huff a short laugh. I'm happy for Dan, but I've still got no idea what I'm going to do about my living situation. A tiny part of me wants to ask Dan if I can come with him. But if we want any chance of making this work, I don't think it would be a good idea to immediately move in together. Which is what he'd tell me too if I did ask, I'm sure.

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