56 - Insatiable

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The only thing better than falling asleep together, is waking up together. Like that first morning at Mel's, his arm is around my waist and his body is pressed against mine. Though I brought a small overnight back, we didn't put on any clothes to sleep in. So I can feel all of him. And this time, there's no reason to hold back.

So without saying much more than good morning to each other, we pick up again where we left off yesterday and since we don't have anywhere to be anyway, we take our time to make love slowly until finally we lay panting in each other's arms again.

'I could get used to this,' Dan mumbles, after which he gives me a kiss on my forehead.

I giggle stupidly. But I can't help it. That's just the effect he has on me.

'Me too.'

'How did you sleep?'

'I slept great.'

I really did. We stayed up for quite a long time last night, cuddling naked in the bed. We put on some stupid show that we barely watched and finished the champagne and the strawberries. Mostly, we just laughed and talked and messed around. After a couple hours, we had sex again, and then we finally fell asleep. It was great.


'I slept okay. You kicked me awake once.'

'I did?' I raise myself up a little to see if he's joking. He doesn't seem to be. But he doesn't seem too upset about it either.

'You did. You move around a lot in your sleep.'

'I'm sorry,' I say apologetically. 'Let me make it up to you.'

Dan laughs and grabs my waist when I climb on top of him to kiss him.

'Make it up to me later,' he says, chuckling when I shower his neck with kisses. 'I'm going to need some time to recover.'

'How much time?' I ask him, putting on a winy voice.

'Did I not satisfy you enough just now?' he asks, a little indignantly.

'You did,' I assure him, throwing my arms around his neck. 'But you might be too good. You just make me want more.'

'Oh, you'll get more,' he says, a suggestive grin stretching across his face. 'If you stay naked and you keep sitting on me like this I might just fuck you all day.'

'Is that a promise?' I ask him, raising my eyebrows at him.

He just laughs but then he grabs me unexpectedly and throws me onto my back across the bed. He gives me a long kiss, but then he draws away despite my attempts to pull him back.

'How 'bout some breakfast first?' he laughs. 'And then we'll go for round 2.'

'Or we go for round 2 now. Then after breakfast we can for round 3. And 4.'

Dan laughs out loud now. I admire his naked body when he gets out of the bed to grab a robe and a menu.

'Insatiable, are you?'

Though he claims to need some time, I can see his body react just before he closes the robe around himself when he looks over me, my naked form fully exposed on the bed. I grin and flip over to my stomach.

'Yes,' I say, reaching for the menu. 'But I could go for some breakfast too. You want to order room service?'

'We missed the buffet. Pick something you like.'

'Anything?' I ask him.

'Anything for my dear nymphomaniac,' he winks at me.

I stick out my tongue, but laugh too and take a moment to look at the menu. After telling him I'd like a croissant, some eggs and bacon and an orange juice, I get up from the bed to grab a robe as well.

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