60 - The happy couple

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'Are you sure it's okay if I come?'

'Yeah, it's okay. Everybody knows what happened and that we're together. They know you and they like you. It's going to be okay.'

Dan gives me a reassuring smile while he turns the car into Yuki's street. I have survived my first 4 days at Love & Latte's and since it's now Thursday night, Dan is going to his band practice. And he asked me to come with him.

Because Dan told Yuki about the kiss, he also told her about everything that happened after. And he told the rest of the band too. We decided that since we're going to have to face people at some point, the band might be a good place to start. They're some of Dan's closest friends and I already got to know them. So they're likely not to judge us too harshly.

But I'm still dying with nerves.

I look over at Dan and though he's been trying to reassure me for the past hour or so, I can see the anxiety on his face as well, when he thinks I'm not looking. He told me that I'm welcome to come over tonight. But he also told me that Yuki called him an idiot and told him to use his brain instead of his dick to make decisions. So I'm curious to see how she and the others will behave around me now.

I feel a little sick as I get out of the car, but Dan walks up to me and takes my hand.

'It's going to be okay,' he says again. All I can manage is to give him a feeble smile back.

I hold on tightly to his hand as we walk up to the door, but let it go just before we walk inside, because I'm not sure how the others would react to it.

There's a different vibe in the garage than there was the last time. There's some soft music playing from the radio, but nobody's playing any instruments yet. Instead, everyone's gathered around the table where I sat with Mel, hunched together to talk about something. I can take a guess at the subject.

Especially as, when Jamal notices us and nods toward the door, alerting the others of our presence, everybody goes quiet and turns to look at us.

We stop in the doorway in the loaded silence that follows as everyone stares at us. Then Yuki steps away from the group and crosses her arms.

'Well, there's the happy couple.'

'Hello everyone,' Dan says cautiously, taking a few steps into the room. I follow him with heavy feet.

Some murmer a greeting in return. Yuki just continues to stare at us with narrowed eyes.

'Well, as you all know,' Dan says, sounding immensely uncomfortable. 'I broke up with Lainey, and Emma and I are together now.'

Nobody says anything in return. I want to run back out the door or just sink through the floor.

'Um, if anyone's got any questions,' Dan says, scratching his head. 'Go ahead.'

After another beat of silence, Jamal is the first to speak.

'How old are you again, Emma?'

I can feel myself turn red at the question. Even if it certainly isn't the worst one they could have asked.

'Um,' I start. But I can feel a lump in my throat, so I clear it before I continue. Still, my voice comes out sounding pathetically small.


'Well, at least she's legal,' Yuki comments in a nasty tone.

'Of course she's legal,' Dan says sharply. 'You knew that.'

'Just like you were when she was born,' Yuki retorts.

My face must turn a few shades redder. But before Dan can react to that, Pete asks another question.

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