67 - You ruined everything

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Tequila is still as disgusting as ever. But also, very effective. Four shots in, I'm starting to forget about Dan's stupid face.

I take a glass of wine onto the dance floor, and dance. I don't care that I'm alone. Or that I'm wearing the most boring outfit I've ever worn to a club. I don't care about anything, which is exactly what I wanted.

The music is always good at Inferno. And that's all I want to focus on. So I shut my eyes to zone out from the mass of people around me and just move to the music.

The tequila and the wine are taking their effect. My mind's turning a happy kind of fuzzy, drowning out anything but the music. There are no thoughts in my mind. No painful feelings. Just dancing and the music.

That is, until someone bumps into me and I crash into the banister of the stairs leading to the toilets. I curse randomly, but I've no idea who it was, so I just brush the hair out of my face and stand up straight again. But then a memory hits me.

I'm taking you home.

He came to find me here to take me home, so Mom wouldn't get mad at me. Crazy. Should have been my first clue that there was something wrong with that guy.

But there was just something about him. I remember how we walked to his car, under the starry night. I was so drunk and annoying. But he held my shoes because my feet hurt. He gave me aspirin before I went to bed and made me breakfast in the morning.

I shake my head. Forget about it. I'm here to not think about Dan. He doesn't get to ruin my night just by his stupid presence.

I down my wine and head back to the bar. Two more shots might do the trick. A new wine goes with me, back to the dance floor.

Where I danced with Dan that night before Mom came home. When the electricity between us almost became too much to bear. Where we danced again and again after we got together.


Strange as it may sound, Inferno was my safe place. Even though I got into several unsafe situations here. But it was a place to forget about everything. To let go. To have a good time with strangers I never intended to remember.

But now, it's filled with Dan. I see his face everywhere I look. I can feel his arms around me when we danced together. His lips on mine when we kissed and forgot about everything around us.

'You're way too beautiful to look so sad. Smile, it's a great night.'

I look up to a tall guy that popped up in front of me. Dark curls, green eyes, very handsome. Maybe he can help me forget about Dan.

'Never tell a woman to smile,' I tell him. 'It's annoying.'

'My apologies,' he says, tossing up his hands. 'Can I make it up to you? Want to talk about whatever's bothering you?'

'Absolutely not,' I say adamantly. 'But I'll take a dance.'

'Gladly,' he says, moving in closer. 'I'm Adrian.'

'I won't remember that.'

He looks a little surprised, but laughs as he slides his hands onto my waist.

'That's very honest. Are you going to tell me your name?'

'No, she won't.'

I gasp when someone wraps his hand around my arm and pulls me back from Adrian. My wine glass drops to the floor and breaks into pieces causing several people to jump away.

'What the hell?' I yell out.

Then I freeze. Because it's Dan. He still has his hand around my arm and looks so furiously at Adrian, it scares me a little.

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