43 - Stay here with me

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I wake up earlier than I usually do. It takes a second to remember why the view before me is different than usual. Another second to register that Dan's arm is around me.

His body feels warm against my back. I know that this is wrong. I'm doing the very thing that my mother accused me of. But things are different now. Though Dan didn't explicitly say it, I'm sure they broke up. And my mother made it clear that she doesn't care about me. But Dan does.

I could lie here in his arms forever. His even breathing suggests that he's still sleeping. I move my hand slowly to his and lightly trace his fingers that look golden in the early daylight that seeps in through the crack in the curtains.

When he flexes his fingers and takes a hold of my hand, I realize that he's awake after all. My heart jumps a little when I feel him move a little closer to me. I can feel his breath on the back of my neck.

He doesn't seem inclined to let go of me either.

'Did I wake you?' I ask him softly.

'No,' he mumbles sleepily. 'I'm still sleeping.'

'Oh,' I laugh. 'Okay.'

All the drama from yesterday seems father away in the drowsiness of the morning. I feel so much calmer, here in Dan's arms.

But I woke up feeling more than calm, if I'm being honest. The feeling of his hand on mine and the thought of him being so close to me sends a warm feeling of excitement through me. And that's all I want to focus on right now in my still-sleepy state. I don't want to wake up all the way and think about everything that happened yesterday and everything that I have to take care of now.

Maybe Dan's feeling the same way. Because he moves again. I hold my breath when he runs his hand up my arm and then rests it on my waist. Then he slowly slides it down to my hip and up to my waist again. His hand feels warm, even through the fabric of my shorts and tanktop. I wonder what it would feel like on other parts of my body.

Maybe he really is still half asleep and doesn't know what he's doing. Or maybe, he's also realized that there isn't really a reason to stay away from each other anymore.

'Did you get any sleep?' he asks me.

Now he brings his hand up to my shoulder. His fingers trace slow lines over my back and my arm. It feels very good.

'Yes,' I tell him breathlessly. 'A little. You?'

'I could use some more,' he replies groggily. I smile again.

'It's still early. We can sleep some more.'

'You can sleep some more. I have to go to work soon.'

'Just stay here with me.'

He chuckles and his hand slides down to my waist again. He wraps it around me and pulls me even closer. I can feel his body against me. His entire body.

Lots of men wake up with morning wood. It doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with me. But it still makes me bite down on my lip when I feel it. When I shift my body slightly, I can feel him react to the movement. It sends a rush right through me.

'Can't you take a day off?' I ask. My voice sounds higher than usual.

'With everything going on.'

'I don't think they'd appreciate that,' he says.

His nose is against my neck now. Goosebumps rise up all over me when the vibrations of his voice tickle my skin.

His hand is close to my breasts. His hands are close to everything, really. Just being this close to him makes me breathe harder than usual. I shift a little bit again and I don't think I'm imagining it when he moves his hips too, pressing himself against me.

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