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It was a fast paced work environment. All day everyday something new was happening.

"I need the Coq au Vin now!" Hermione yelled.

"Hermione," her boss said, "you're favourite critic is here."

Her sous chef ooh'ed before she glared at him. She left the kitchen and went to the table.



Eight years, ten months and eight days.

Thay is how long she went without seeing him after escaping to the Muggle world. Now...she sees him ever other week and wonders if she could plea insanity after beating him him to death with a rolling pin.

"What do you want Malfoy?" She asked annoyed.

He smirked.

Again...the rolling pin was calling her.

"I'll have the...chef's secrets, surprise me how you make it."

The most dreadful thing he could say to her.

Because he always loves sending the meal back complaining how she didn't make it right.

"Coming right up...sir," she said. Smiling tensely as he smirked.

She went back into the kitchen and told her Rotisseur to start cooking the Kobe beef A5, she turned to her Entremetier to prepare the asparagus and then she began working on the rest.

"What's you're history with him?" Her sous chef asked her. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "you always look like you want to stab him with a meat cleaver...did you sleep with him?"

Hermione laughed humourlessly.

"No!" She laughed.

"So then what is it? He seems to push your buttons."

No one knows of her past. And everyone speculates that they slept together and he left her high and dry considering how she knows Malfoy considering how she reacted when she first say him.

"What the—Malfoy?!" She yelled. Causing people to look at her before whispering. A second of realization before that dreadful smirk crept on his face.

"Well hello Granger, long time no see."

"Get out!"

"Now, now...why would I do a thing like that?"

"Get out before I shove a rolling pin up your arse!"

Yeah...not her best moment.

"We just...we went to private school together," she said curtly.

"Hermione is telling us something about her past!" her Rotisseur gasped dramatically. Hermione turned to her and flicked her off.

"Oh come on Hermione, in the past — how long — six years we have known you, you have never talked about your past."

"For good reason," Hermione told her Entremetier, "you lot are too nosey. Plate!"

A clean plate was placed in front of her as she twirled her buttered pasta on it. Handing it to her Rotisseur, she put the meat delicately on top before her Entremetier placed the asparagus. Her sous chef finished it off with a simple yet elegant sauce and she placed it on the sheet. The waitress took it and Hermione exhaled slowly.

"I swear if he sends it back I'm going to kill him," she muttered.

"There is a lot of sexual tension between them," her Rotusseur giggled.

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