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"DADDY!" Hermione screamed as she sat upright.

Her body drenched in sweat as she panted heavily. Draco immediately sat up and reached for her shaking form.

"You're okay, you're safe, you're okay," he whispered softly, Hermione let out a sob before wrapping her arms around his neck and sobbing. The more time that passes without her children; the more she feels like she's dying.

It's a bitter feeling. Knowing that she was pregnant and her baby was okay and knowing that her children had been ripped away from her.

It was too much.

Draco pulled her close and kissed her temple. She breathed heavily as her body began to relax. She slumped into his chest before she started crying.

"You're okay," he whispered. Hermione held onto him. "You need to breathe my love, it's not good for the baby or for you, breathe."

Hermione looked at him.

She pressed her forehead against his.

He rubbed her bare thigh and kissed her forehead.

Hermione slowly got out of bed and went down to the kitchen. She filled a cup of water and looked out the window.

She knew there was no way she was going back to bed. She moved slowly around the kitchen and began pulling out bowls to make brownies.

Then a shooting pain made her drop the bowl in her hands. She gripped the counter and let out a cry of pain as Draco ran in.

The ringing in her ears was loud as she began to hyperventilate. Panic began to spread through her body as her hands found her abdomen.

Please don't let me lose my baby, she begged with desperation. Another wave of pain washed over her. She gripped Draco tightly as he led her out of the house and into her car. They drove off as Hermione cried and held her abdomen.

They reached the hospital just as Hermione felt something tricking down her leg. She pulled up her nightgown and saw a trail of blood running down the inside of her leg.

She let out a loud sob as they admitted her quickly.

Everything was a blur. All she could think was the fact that nobody wanted her to be a mother. All she wanted and they kept trying to take it away from her.

They had put her into a hospital gown and on a bed. They had given her medication in order to stop the bleeding.

Draco sat on the uncomfortable chair cupping her cheek. Tears streaming down his face as he held her hand.

"It's okay," he whispered continuously, "it's all going to be okay...the baby—the baby is a fighter, I know it, okay...so just believe with me."

Hermione covered her face with her free hand and cried softly.

"I'm sorry," she cried, "I'm sorry that I'm so broken—"


He took her hand away from her face.

"Look at me."

She was ashamed.

"Granger, look at me."

Her eyes flickered to his for a split second before she looked back down. He nuzzled her nose and made her look up at him.

"I love you," he whispered, "with everything that I am, I was made to love you and to be loved by you. Our souls have been intertwined from the moment we saw each other on the train. When you were looking for Longbottom's toad. Our destinies were always meant to join. Our bodies were meant to belong to one another from the very moment I kissed you. Granger...you are the love of my life. I live for you and I breath for you. I know you're broken but I will put you back together. You break as many times as you need. I'll always put you back together."

He kissed her and Hermione cried softly. She looked at him before looking down at the ring on his finger.

"Draco will you marry me?" She whispered. His eyes widened momentarily.


"Our life hasn't been conventional...I'm not good at speeches so will you marry me?"

He kissed her.

"I'd be a fool not too..." he whispered, he pulled out a small box and she saw the engagement ring in it. Her eyes met his. "Whatever happens tonight...it's me and you Granger."



He slid the ring into her finger just as the curtain open. Hermione dreaded what was coming as the doctor closed the curtain and settled down once more.

"What you experienced was cramping, probably brought on by stress, women commonly bleed during the beginning stages of pregnancy...but after countless tests...I'm happy to say that you are still pregnant..."

Hermione looked at her doctor before crying with relief. Draco smiled and kissed her forehead before they pressed them together.

"I am putting you on minimal bed rest for the next month, I know you are a chef but given your history and age, your body needs the time to recover and protect both you and the fetus."

Hermione nodded.

"I will want to see you in two weeks to ensure that everything is fine and that there are no complications, but I am cautiously optimistic that you will be okay."

Hermione sat up and hugged the doctor.

He patted her back and got up.

"If there's anything, if you start bleeding or anything else, come back immediately."

Hermione nodded as the doctor left. Hermione hugged Draco and they both celebrated. Draco helped Hermione change and they left. The sun was up and they stopped to get food before going home. They entered the house and converted the living room into the room that she would be staying in for the next couple of weeks. Draco got in beside her and placed his head on her thighs as he rubbed her flat abdomen.

Hermione ran her fingers through his hair and he slowly drifted off to sleep. Hermione took a shaky breath before summoning a piece of parchment paper and a quill.

Hermione looked down at Draco and her abdomen before pressing the tip of the quill against the paper.

Dear James, Henry and Lily...

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