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Hermione laid on a bare chest listening to his heartbeat to muffle out the silence of her home.

Draco slept as he held onto her. His hand spread out on her bare back as he held her.

"You're overthinking."

She looked up and caught his eyes. Hermione sniffed and moved up and kissed him, he kissed her back before moving her onto her back.

"They're okay," he whispered, "let's spend the day together.


"Because I want to spend it with you and I don't want you overthinking about the kids."

Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck. He kissed her shoulder before playing with her curls.


Hermione nodded and he moved to get up but she pulled him back down.


Hermione kissed him and wrapped her legs around his waist. He chuckled against her lips before pulling the sheets over them.

Breakfast would have to be moved to brunch.


Hermione brushed her periwinkle blue sundress before putting on her large knitted white cardigan. Draco finished getting dressed and he took her waist before apperating to a small cafe in Diagon Alley. He kissed her temple and held the door open for her.

"Mhm it smells delicious," she groaned softly. He wrapped his arms around her.

"You smell delicious," he whispered.

She playfully slapped his hand.

"Naughty boy," she whispered, "we're in public."

"I don't care...you're my witch."

Hermione blushed.

"I like it when you call me that," she whispered.

He kissed the spot beside her ear.

"My witch," he whispered sultry. "My perfect, beautiful witch."

They got their tea, breakfast and dessert before sitting down at a table. Hermione rubbed her hands and began eating.

They ate their meals and enjoyed each other's company. Hermione rubbed her foot on his calf.

Hermione took a bite of her dessert and moaned in pleasure at the taste of it. She licked her lips before taking another bite.

"Now I'm slightly jealous of a puff pastry," he grumbled. Hermione laughed and shoved his shoulder.

"You're incorrigible," she giggled. She leaned over and kissed him, "you're my wizard."

He pressed his forehead against hers.

"But if a man who tastes just like this pastry comes around; I'm leaving you for it."

He growled and deepened the kiss. Hermione moaned softly and leaned onto him.

Hermione pulled back and he licked his swollen lips before leaning back.

Hermione's phone rang and she answered.



"Henry put the phone down! We're playing—"

The dial tone made her panic. She apperated immediately to the Weasley home and began banging on the door.

"Molly!" She yelled, "Molly open the sodding door!"

Hermione continued banging on the door. Just as she was about to blast the door to pieces when the door opened; Molly and Arthur stood there furiously as she stormed through them.



Her two boys ran in and hugged her tightly. Henry was crying as she picked him up and wrapped him around her.

"What are you doing?!" Molly shrieked.

"I'm taking my kids! Where's Lily?!"

"You have no right!"

"My child called me crying! I have every right!"

Hermione went into the living room where Lily was in a cot. She began to cry as Hermione lowered Henry and put Lily in her carrier before grabbing all three of them and leaving the home.

"Draco!" Henry and James cried, running towards Draco who immediately picked them up and held them close.

"You'll regret this!" Molly yelled, "they belong here!"

Hermione flicked them off before apperating back home. She knelt down in front of Henry and James and began checking them out. If anyone hurt them she was actually going to kill someone.

"What happened?" Hermione asked.

"I wanted to come home," Henry sniffed, "Nona kept talking bad about you mama..."

Hermione shot Draco a look. He was seething and was ready for blood.

"Hey Henry," Hermione smiled softly, "do you want to make a fort?"

Henry sniffed and nodded.

Hermione looked at Draco who led him and Lily to the living room.

Hermione turned to James.

"What happened?"

"Henry wet the bed and Nona blew a whistle and began blaming you...then Lily couldn't sleep so they spend all night with her—"

Just then there was a loud banging at the door. Hermione kissed his temple before opening the door.

A fuming Ron Weasley stood there.


"Where are they?" He asked angrily.

Hermione blocked him from entering. He seethed as she glared at him.

"They are not going anywhere with you," Hermione said, "so I suggest you leave."

He tried to push back again.

"Back. Off." She ordered.

"Leave, Weasley."

Ron looked behind her and saw Draco seething behind her. Ron clenched his jaw and looked back down at her.

"You are a Deatheater whore," he sneered. "Sleeping with the enemy."

"Just go Rom," she whispered.

He glared at her before he left. Hermione sighed and looked at him momentarily before walking back to Draco. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. Hermione turned her head after their kiss and saw James and Henry sleeping in the first and Lily on the swing.

"They're going to hit me with everything they have," she whispered. "I'm just hoping that they won't be caught in the crossfire."

"I won't let anyone hurt you or the kids...I promise."

Hermione looked up at him.

"I love you," she blurted out. His eyes widened slightly at the sudden confession.


"I. Love. You," she said again, "I love you."

He smiled softly and kissed her.

"I love you too."

Hermione looked back to the kids before slowly crawling into the fort. The two boys reached out to her and hugged her. Exhaling softly. Draco soon joined them and took them into his arms. Hermione looked into his eyes and smiled.

He smiled back.

This was the moment that she would hold forever. All the things that has been happening to them. Nothing mattered as she laid her with her kids and looking into the eyes of the wizard that she loved.

Whatever happened. This was how she wanted to remember it.

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