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"Miss Granger?"

Hermione looked up and looked at the judge before looking at the lawyer. She took a shaky breath and rolled her shoulders.

"Yes?" She asked. Hating how her voice slightly quivered.

"Is if true that you are a full time chef and co-owner of a muggle restaurant?"


"That's a lot of time taken up, what do James, Henry and Lily do during this time?"

"Um...they are with the nanny, um...James goes to grade school and Henry is in preschool so it's mostly just Lily with the nanny."

"And is it true that you take them on outings with muggles, shouldn't you be concerned about the safety of the kids considering that they are not...muggle?"

"T-They are aware that it is crucial for them not to utter a word about their heritage to the group, but they're smart kids, they're learning how to control their emotions."

"So you call James forcing an outburst that almost killed a child in his class control?"

"That's different—"

"And is it true or not true that this wasn't the first time that James has almost hurt another child severely?"

"Yes, but—"

"What is the name of your restaurant?"

"E-Excuse me?"

"The name of your restaurant, the place where you have taken James — a child — into the kitchen after he got expelled and have been exposing him to an environment that is too dangerous for a six year old?"


"Objection your honour! Speculation and badgering of witness!" Pansy yelled.


"Are you dating Draco Malfoy? A known convict and ex-Deatheater?"

"Not dating but—"

"He has spend the night hasn't he? In the same house that James, Henry and Lily sleep in? That's not very safe is it? And what are you teaching these children?"


"You're in therapy correct?"

"Objection! What is the point of this?!"

"What is the point of this councillor?" The judge asked.

"I'm just showing that her life is not designed for parenthood, her workplace demands long hours — most of which are overnight and she leaves James, Henry and Lily with a stranger, James — a good student has gotten into multiple fights and into the same constant trouble that had never been an issue before and she's been introducing Draco Malfoy — a known felon who has a history of prejudice against Muggleborns. He fought for Voldemort who's main objective was to eradicate a whole population, one in which Miss Granger identifies herself with, this isn't a good placement no matter how much she tries to say otherwise."

"I may not be a good parent," she snapped, "but I'm trying, I'm here getting bombarded with questions, stalked, harassed and threatened by everyone! But I am trying for them, for my family. And I will not let you talk bad about Draco, he is a good man. He is caring, living, and he was made to be a father, James and Henry see him as a man they can confide in, I rely on him, he is my rock so you can bash me all you want but Draco's past has nothing to do with our future. The only reason why you're bringing him up is because Ron is still prissy about the fact that I have moved on to someone better," Hermione sneered.

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