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Everything was blissful.

She should have known that it was going to fall apart sooner or later.

Somehow; the Weasley's had managed to get a weekend with the possibility of having a whole week with the kids.

Hermione stormed out of the courtroom with anger. She tore open her blazer as she kicked the door open. Hermione breathed heavily before letting out a sob.

Pansy went up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Hermione cried softly as she wiped her eyes.

"It's going to be okay—"

"No it's not!" Hermione yelled, "they're taking them from me!"

"Do you love them Hermione?"

"Of course I do," she whispered, "they're my children."

"Then trust me. I know it seems bleak but you have to trust me, and trust the process."


Hermione took a shaky breath before turning and looking at Ron. He walked over to her and Pansy and stood in front of her.

"We'll be expecting you around seven, don't be late."

"Seven? But the kids—"

"Seven," he snapped, "understand?"

He shot a glare to Pansy before letting out a soft sob. The dark hair witch placed a consoling hand on her shoulder before they apperated back to her home.

A body immediately threw themselves at her. Hermione tumbled back slightly before looking down and smiling.

"What are you going?" She giggled as Henry smiled brightly up to her.

"I missed you mama!"

Hermione's eyes widened in surprise. She stuttered over her words before kneeling down and cupping his cheeks.

"Henry..." she said softly, "you know I'm not your mama—"

"Mummy said it's okay," he smiled brightly, "she says I'm lucky to have a mama like you, mummy says that I'll always be loved."

Hermione began to cry softly before hugging him tightly. He held onto her and kissed her cheek.

"Daddy also says hi," he whispered into her ear before running off. Hermione remained on the floor before covering her face and letting out a soft sob.


"They're finally starting to get comfortable here and they're going to take them away from me," she cried, looking to the witch who had knelt beside her, "Pansy they're taking my children."

"They won't take them," Pansy promised, "you said so yourself, they're starting to get comfortable here, with you, if won't do them any good if they take them away from their home."

Hermione cried softly. She heard footsteps and immediately tried to compose herself just as James walked in.

"Is everything okay, Hermione?" He asked tentatively.

She cupped his cheeks.

"Everything is alright," she whispered, "um...t-tonight you and your siblings are going to spend the weekend with your grandparents—"


"James, it's only for a weekend," she assured.

"Don't let them take me," he cried. Wrapping his small arms around her waist. Holding onto her tightly, "please Hermione, you promised!"

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