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Draco finished with his last critic on a restaurant that was absolutely abysmal. He knew that his word was the law and that they were going to go out of business but if he let another person be treated the way he had been. He was going to do something regrettable.

He took a sip of his drink and rocked in his chair.

Had he messed up telling her about their history?

He had wanted to be honest with her.

But maybe he should have waited.

"Mister Draco, there is a person at the door," one of his elves announced. He sighed reluctantly and went to the door. He froze when he saw Mrs. Granger-Wendell standing there.


"Are you going to keep me standing here?"

"N-No! Come in?"

The woman entered his house and he slowly shut the door.

How did she even know his address?

The atmosphere was tense as he followed her into his kitchen. She stared at the equipment with a sad smile on her face.

"Bobby would have loved this kitchen," she whispered softly before turning back to him.

"Mrs. Granger—"

"My daughter was pregnant wasn't she, Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco gulped.


"The fact that you did not burst out laughing and called me ridiculous and rude is enough Mr. Malfoy...when was she pregnant?"

"A few years ago..."

"And she lost the baby?"


She sighed and sat down.

"Life has not been kind to my daughter Mr. Malfoy—"

"You can just call me Draco."

The older woman smiled at him sadly. Life has not been kind to her either.

"My biggest fear after losing Bobby was leaving Hermione alone...she was...a miracle that never should have happened. I was young when I got pregnant, but when I held her for the first time...I knew I would do anything to protect her, Bobby...Bobby loved her so much...she was his mini...losing Bobby...broke me but...it destroyed her and then life just continued to go downhill...Hermione losing her baby is just chipping off more the her soul...but you..you bought a life back into her eyes that I have not seen in years...I'm thankful Draco but I'm also asking you something extremely important...please don't let my daughter's spark disappear again," she whispered softly.

Draco cleared his throat.

"I know you have also been in pain, Draco...the look in your eyes...Bobby also had it...but you're stronger Draco, stronger that my beloved...and I know that you will always have that strength."

Draco felt a tear stream down his face before she wiped it. It had been so long since he's had a mothers love. She slowly wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close; this opened a watergate he thought he had blocked forever. Wrapping his arms around the woman. He began to weep softly.

"I couldn't help Bobby," she whispered softly, "I can't help my daughter...but maybe I can help you..."

He cried into her shoulder.

"I miss my mother," he confessed.

"When was the last day you saw her?"

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