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"Jame Sirius Malfoy-Granger-Potter."

Cheers erupted from the audience as James walked the stage and took his certificate. He lowered his head and the dean put a pristine chef's hat on his head. Hermione smiled brightly as she watched him walk to the podium.

"Come on love," Draco whispered and nudged her to sit. Hermione smiled and settled down.

"Hello," James said, "it is a true honour to be up here today...my life has been easy, but there was a time that it wasn't...I lost my biological parents in a car accident that orphaned me and my two siblings..."

Hermione looked at Henry and Lily. Henry was nineteen and already playing for the Montrose Magpies as their seeker. Lily was seventeen and about to graduate from Hogwarts and planning on going to work in the Ministry of Magic as an Auror, and their youngest; Carina was sixteen and already planning on becoming a world-renounced muggle doctor. Hermione smiled with pride as she turned back to James.

"My mum and dad gave us the best life amidst everything we endured. They gave us unconditional love from the beginning...and now I'm standing here, ready to follow in my mother's footsteps. She taught me to love cooking. Cooking is something that we did, we still do, it's how we connect...it's how we healed...so mum, this is for you."

Hermione let out a sob of joy as James stepped off the stage with a loud cheer.

"Mum, you're embarrassing me," Carina said as she leaned over her two siblings. Her platinum blonde curls slipping over her shoulders.

"You have snot running down your nose," Henry told her.

"Seriously Henry? Do you have to be so bloody disgusting?" Lily sneered as she glared at him.

"Hush up the three of you or I'm going to hang you by your toes," her husband threatened playfully. Carina, Lily and Henry stuck their tongues out at him and he stuck his back out at them.

Hermione slapped his shoulder playfully as he smiled at her.

"Mum. Dad."

Hermione looked up and saw James walking up to them. She stood and he hugged her tightly. He had grown taller than her but she still held him like he was her little boy.

"Dweeb," Carina said as she rolled her eyes.

"Bucket-head," James smirked as he rubbed her hair. She gasped and shoved him roughly as she tried to fix her hair.

"James!" She exclaimed, "do you know how long it took me to get my hair under control?!"

Life father like daughter.

"Be nice," Draco said once again.

She rolled her eyes.

"Fine, now that you graduated can I have your room?"

"If anyone is getting his room, it's me," Henry argued.

"And why not me?" Lily questioned.

"Because you're planning on moving in with your boyfriend," Carina scoffed. Draco grimaced at the thought of his daughter shacking up with Theo's son.

"You're making that face again, dad," Lily said, "it's no big deal."

"Did it have to be Caleb Nott?" Draco grumbled.

Hermione giggled.

The proclaimed adults who still bickered like children moved away slightly while still bickering about who knew what. Hermione wrapped her arms around her husband and kissed him. 

"How did I get so lucky?" He whispered against her lips.

"I tried to stab you with a steak knife," she giggled softly, "and you kept showing up when I needed you the most."

He held her close and sighed.

"I think I did one thing right," he murmured, "something to give me this good karma."

"You deserve it," she whispered.

They turned their heads and saw the kids talking with their grandparents. Hermione's mum gushed over James while William talked to Lily. They had opened their doors to The Weasley's despite everything and they had taken the invitation. Carina talked with George's kids and Henry talked with Arthur. The rest of the large group had joined them. Both muggle and magical. Hermione watched as Caleb walked up to Lily and wrapped his arms around her waist. She watched as he rubbed her lower abdomen discreetly. She beamed as she turned back to Draco who was pouting like a spoiled child.

"Let's have another baby," she whispered. His eyes widened slightly before he laughed softly.


"Okay fine, not a baby, but let me get a dog," she whined, "my last baby is almost at the point she's going to graduate and leave, I don't want the house to be lonely."

"But when it's lonely is when you and I can remember what it's like to be alone," he smirked. He dropped his head and kissed her neck. Hermione sighed and giggled.

"Please," she pouted. Fluttering her eyes in a way she knew that she always got what she wanted.

Disgusted gags suddenly arose from behind them.

"Gods! Get a room!" James groaned.

"Seriously! Have some decency!" Henry gagged.

"I am going to need to bleach my eyes," Lily moaned with disgust.

"You're way too old to be doing that," Carina grimaced.

Hermione giggled and raised an eyebrow before kissing her beloved husband. This earned more disgusted groans and gags from their kids.

"You're a menace," he chuckled against her lips.

"So that's a yes to a dog?" She asked.

He pressed his forehead against hers.

"How can I ever deny anything to my wife?"

Hermione laughed and led him back to the group.

"We have reservations," she told them. They all made their way to the entrance. Hermione watched as Carina jumped on James's back and Henry made weird noises. She took Lily's hand and squeezed slightly.

"You know," she whispered softly.

"Lily, I am the brightest witch of the age," she told her.

Lily's shoulders relaxed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Hermione asked. She shrugged.

"We agreed to wait a little while longer. We are going to get married after I have the baby and I graduate. After that Caleb is going to take care of the baby while I complete my Auror training and then I'll work part time while he finishes residency."

Hermione squeezed her hand once more.

"You do know I raised four amazing children right?" She asked, "your father and I would be more than willing to help out with the baby."

Lily smiled.

"Before or after dad kills Caleb?"

Hermione laughed and kissed her daughter's cheek before going to join her husband once more. She watched as Lily pulled Henry's ear and began scolding him for something. Henry rubbed his ear and glared at her. Carina was still on James's back who was starting to look annoyed but still did not put her down.

She looked back at Draco who was looking at her already.

"Made to perfection?"

"Oi, Fait à la Perfection," she whispered. He kissed her.

"I love it when you talk French."

The End.

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