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Hermione gasped and sat up. Her nightmares were more and more frequent and she was getting less and less sleep.

She sat on her bed. Her head was in her hands. She grabbed her phone and looked at the clock.


She knew it was going to be a long shot but she needed to talk to him. She dialled Malfoy's phone and listened to the ringing.

Just then an ear piercing scream echoed through the house. She shot off the bed and ran towards James and Henry's rooms.

"No! No! No! Mama! Mama!"

Hermione ran into James's bed. Henry was awake and crying as his brother thrashed on his bed.


"Hermione! I'm scared!" Henry cried.

"Go to my room Henry!" Hermione ordered. She ran to James who was still screaming and crying

"Mama! Mama! Mama don't leave me! Mama!"

She was trying to wake James up to no avail. He scratched at her arms and face until eventually he woke up with a gasp, Hermione pulled him into her chest and soothed him as he cried.

His body shook violently with the shock and his body was drenched in sweat. He had a faint smell of urine but Hermione didn't care at the moment.

"It's okay...you're okay James" she assured, "you're okay...I'm here...I'm here..."

He held onto her tightly as he cried. Hermione held onto him.

"Don't leave me, don't leave me, don't leave me, don't leave me, don't leave me, don't...don't leave me..." he stuttered. Holding onto her tightly. She held him close as she assured him she wouldn't leave him.

Eventually she was able to pick him up and help him to the washroom. He was holding onto her as she turned on the shower. He was sniffing as he held onto her arm.

"James?" She whispered, "can you remove your clothes for me, that way you can get into the tub and wash up?"

He looked at her. A brief look of panic flashed through his eyes at the thought of her leaving him. She picked it up and cupped his cheeks.

"I'm not going anywhere James..." she promised.

He nodded softly and Hermione summoned some clothes for him. She looked at James and he was still holding onto her.

"I'm not going anywhere James, I promise...I'll be right here..."


James and Henry slept in her bed while Hermione was in the washroom. She winced as she cleaned up another scratch on her cheek.

The doorbell rang and she went to go open it. She saw Malfoy standing there with a worried expression. He looked at her face and arms and immediately entered before examining her.

"Granger?! What happened?"

She shushed him and let him. She looked up the stairwell but didn't hear anything.

"James had a nightmare," she whispered, he took her arms and looked at the scratches.

"He attacked you?"


Do you have a first aid kit?" He asked her.

She nodded and entered the kitchen. He summoned the first aid kit and began working on her injuries.

"Why did you call me?"

She looked at him. A soft blush found her cheeks as she looked down and played with her hands.

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