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"She hasn't left her room in two days."

Hermione laid in her bed. Unmoving. Her eyes glued on the empty crib.

Draco sighed as he slowly closed the door. Jean stood there with a look of despair on her face.

"I should have—I couldn't—"

The older woman let out a soft sob. Draco wrapped the frail woman and she cried.

"Is there anything you need from us?" William asked.

"No thank you," Draco whispered. "There's nothing you can do unfortunately."

"You have to be here for her," Jean said as she pulled back, "this will break my daughter—"

"I'm not going anywhere," Draco promised.

Jean nodded weakly and extended a hand to her husband. He took it and helped her out of the empty home.

Draco looked at his friends.

"Is there anything we can do?" Theo asked softly.

He shook his head.

"I'm so sorry Draco," Pansy whispered, wiping a tear away, "I should—"

"This wasn't your fault," he said, "it just...happened."

"Call us if you need anything," Blaise said.

Luna walked up to him and hugged him tightly.

"How are you Draco?" she asked.

Draco held back his tears.

"I'm fine."

Draco walked into the room once more and got into the bed with Hermione. She wrapped his arms around her and held onto her. They laid in silence as they mourned their loss.

"Granger, you need to eat," he whispered. She shook her head.

"I'm not hungry," she responded weakly.


"I'm not hungry," she repeated.

He sighed and held her close.

He didn't know what he to do to help her.

He held her close and neither of them spoke as they mourned the loss of their children. He could see that this was killing his witch. And it killed him that he couldn't do anything to ease the pain in her.

He left the room and began making lunch for the two of them. There was a knock at the door and he hesitated before going to answer it.

He didn't expect to see his parents.

He glared at them before stepping out. Ensuring that the door was shut so that his witch wouldn't hear them.

"What are you doing here?" He snarled.

"We came to talk sense to you, clearly it's been far too long that we have let you do your own thing."

He glared at his father.

"If I find out you two were the reason as to why they took our children—"

"She's been in your head hasn't she?" His mother gasped, "Draco! These are Weasley children, not yours! When will you finally understand that?"

"I love them," he seethed, "I love them as my own, they may not be my blood but by the way I have been raised; I'm glad they're not my blood, and that witch you so constantly ridicule and judge? She will be my wife and there is nothing you can say or do that will stop me, I don't want anything to do with you ever again," he sneered, "now get out of here before I call the police."


"Now!" Draco yelled, "get off this bloody property!"

His father glared at him once more but his mother dragged him away. They apperated and Draco seethed in the entrance before he broke down slowly and sat on the steps. He put his hands in his hair and cried softly.

He tried to muffle his cries but he was in pain as well. He loved James, Henry and Lily as his own and it killed him that he couldn't have brought them home. It was killing him trying to pretend he was okay for Granger when he felt like he was dying inside.

He didn't know how long he cried. When he heard the door creak slightly. He tried to compose himself but couldn't.

"Draco?" She whispered.

"I'm sorry," he sobbed softly, "I'm sorry—"

"Sh," she whispered as she sat beside him. Her bloodshot eyes staring at him with sadness, "oh Draco..."

He let out another sob as she pulled him into her arms. He cried into her shoulder as she soothed him.

"I'm trying—I'm trying to be strong—you need—"

She pulled back and cupped his cheek. She wiped away a tear and looked at him.

"I don't need you to be strong," she whispered, her voice breaking slightly, "I just need you...just you...I just want you to hold me, cry with me, just be with me...I love you Draco," she whispered, "and one of the reasons why I love you is because you're with me, you hold me, understand me, love me for all I am...we're in pain, I don't want to suffer alone, I want to suffer with you...I want to be with you Draco..."

He let out another sob as they both hugged each other tightly. Draco just let his emotions spill as his witch held him. It wasn't only what he had gone through the last few days but what's been going on for years.

And he knew when he found the right one when she just held him close. He felt safe with her and for the first time he didn't have to worry about being anyone else but someone worthy of her.

"I love you," she whispered softly, "I love you Draco, it's okay...you're okay...I love you," she whispered continuously.

It wasn't until almost an hour after everything that she was able to get him inside. They settled on the couch and she flicked her wrist. Preparing a meal for them.

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