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Weeks passed and the trial was on its last day.

Hermione clenched onto Pansy's hand as the judge walked out.

She looked over her shoulder and Draco motioned her to breathe. She nodded shakily and looked back.

"The custody trial between Hermione Granger V. The Weasley's has been ongoing for three months. The lawyers on both sides will give their final arguments and closing statements..."

Hermione looked back at Draco. James, Henry and Luna were with him. James had his eyes on her as well as Henry; Luna was sleeping in his arms.

The final trial day went on. Pansy went up and gave a compelling argument regarding on how it was in the best interest of her three children to stay with her. Their connection to Hermione's friend's children. Their life in school. Home. Daycare.

Everything was in her favour.

Then Molly and Arthur's lawyer went up and argued how she disappeared for almost a decade. Her horrible mental health for years.

They even talked about how her father killed himself.

Hermione covered her mouth and kept a gag at bay. Her stomach wouldn't stop flipping and the stomach acid burned the back of her throat. She felt her eyes burning with suppressed tears and she was ready to kill Ron.

Hours passed.

During the recess while the judge decided. Hermione was with Draco and she was feeding Luna.

"Mama I'm hungry," Henry told her, pouting slightly.

Hermione smiled and looked at Draco.

"Draco will get you some food," Hermione said.

"Can you make me something?"

"Henry you know she can't leave here," James grumbled.


"Will you stop whining?" James snapped.

"Oi," Hermione snapped, "be nice to your brother," she told him.

Henry sniffed and turned to Draco. Draco wrapped his arms around the small boy and picked him up.

"It's okay," he whispered, kissing the small boy's dark hair.

"I'm sorry Henry," James murmured softly.

"James, Henry, come here," Molly ordered. Snapping her fingers.

James wrapped his arms around her thigh and held tightly. Henry held tighter onto Draco who was glaring at the Weasley couple.

Their recess ended and Hermione exhaled shakily before she handed Lily to Draco. She knelt down and kissed James's forehead as well as Henry's she stood and kissed the sleeping baby before kissing Draco.

"We'll see you in the other side," he whispered as he pressed his forehead against hers.

"Hermione," Pansy said.

Hermione spared a glance over to Molly, Arthur and Ron. They glared at her but Hermione could see an unnerving glint in Ron's eyes but Pansy led her into the court room before she could decipher it further.

The judge soon entered. Everyone stood and watched as he sat down at his chair.

"You may be seated."

Hermione sat down and tried to control her breathing.

Hermione wiped her hands on her navy blue skirt before playing with her rings. Her knee bounced while looking at the judge shuffling his papers.

"Breathe," Pansy whispered, getting close, "you need to breathe Hermione."

"Can I win?" She whispered back, "do I have a chance at winning this?"

Pansy looked at her.

"I can't promise anything, but your chances are high."

Hermione nodded shakily.

"I took the hour to think of the best thing for the kids, clearly they are loved by both sides, and they would fit well with both sides, but this if for their best interest, for their best chances at their future...counsels? Is there anything else you want to say?"

Pansy and the other lawyer looked at each other. They shook their heads before looking at the judge.

"No, your honour," Pansy told him.

The lawyer ruffled through his papers.

"Well...given both sides of the story, I have come to a conclusion."

Everything was loud.

The clicking of a clock. The ticking of the computer. Her breathing.

"And my verdict lies with the Weasley's. They are the blood family and have been closer to James, Henry and Luna for their first years of their lives unlike Miss Granger who was recent to their lives. It is clear that it took them a while to accustom to Miss Granger and her lifestyle. In conclusion; full guardianship is granted to Molly and Arthur Weasley. Court adjourned."

The slam of gravel broke a sob. She spun just as Arthur, Molly and Ron were tearing James, Henry and Luna from Ron.

"No!" She shrieked, "don't take my children!"

They dragged the wailing children away. There was a sudden uproar in the courtroom. The gravel hit the stance multiple times.

"Order! Order in my courtroom!" He yelled.

"Mama!" Henry cried. Fighting against Ron. "Mama!"

Lily was wailing in Molly's arms. Her face beat red as her legs kicked.

"Henry! Luna!" Hermione screamed. Pushing the railing and sprinting after the Weasley's.

"Henry!" Draco yelled. Hermione got out of the courtroom but she got held back by two Aurors. The same thing happened to Draco.

"Hermione!" James shrieked, kicking and screaming as he got dragged by Arthur. "Hermione! Draco! Help me!"

Hermione broke free from the Auror's and ran after them.

They reached the Floo Network. She got held back by reporters and Aurors but they did nothing to keep her back.

"Mama!" Henry shrieked, "daddy! I'm scared!"

Ron and Molly disappeared in green flames. James broke free from Arthur and sprinted to Hermione. He threw himself at her and she held him tightly.

"Don't let me go!" He cried, "don't let me go!"

Arthur began prying James's off. Draco was being wrestled back by three Auror's and his friends. He looked ready to kill somebody.

Arthur managed to tear him from her. James shrieked and cried as Hermione reached for him again.

"Enough!" Arthur ordered. He hauled him up and shoved Hermione back.

"Don't take my children!" Hermione sobbed. "Don't take my children!"

Arthur dragged James to a Floo.

"Hermione!" James cried. "Mama please! Please don't let them take me from you! Mama please! I don't want—let me go! Mama!"

Hermione let out a heartbreaking sob as the green flames took James. She hunched over and sobbed loudly in the middle of the Ministry Atrium. Draco was immediately by her side and picked her boneless body up, she held onto him as she wept and he apperated with her.

They landed in her home and they both fell to the ground. Holding onto each other as they mourned what happened.

Hermione felt like her heart had been torn out of her chest and destroyed in front of her. She pressed her head as he sobbed as well. His bitter tears mingled with hers as they cried in the middle of the living room.

They lost.

They lost their children. Again.

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