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Hermione barked out orders as the restaurant was filled to the brink. Right now she didn't have to worry about the problems at home or how she was only running on an hour and thirty minutes of sleep at the moment.

Hermione was working when she turned and crashed into some idiot who didn't announce he was carrying hot water. She managed to jump back but unfortunately her hand wasn't quick enough and hot water drenched it. She cried out in pain as Archie helped her remove her coat as quickly as possible.

"Don't you know you need to announce?!" Archie yelled.

"I-I-I'm sorry! I did—"

"Not loud enough! Move!"

"Hermione—what happened?!" Florence asked worriedly as soon as she saw her angry red hand and forearm.

"I-I'm fine—"

"You're not fine, Hermione I'm taking you to the hospital, Flo, fire that idiotic line cook! He didn't announce!"


"Florence, Draco Malfoy is beginning to complain that he's not getting his meal!"

"Tell him that he'll have to settle for another cook, Archie, take Hermione to the hospital, now, that's her money-making hands, make sure they treat it right."

Hermione continued to argue but neither of them listened. Archie got her into the car and drove off. Hermione pressed a cold, wet towel on her arm as they drove.

"Sodding hell," Hermione muttered, "this year is going end on a shite note."

"It'll turn."

Hermione snorted.

"When? Every day my life has been turned upside down, when is it going to turn?"

They reached the hospital and Hermione entered into emergency. He wrecked havoc and Hermione was utterly embarrassed when they wheeled her in.

"Archie—sodding hell Archie stop," Hermione hissed, "I'm in. Shut up!"

He flopped on the chair and waited.

Hermione knew that the Doctor needed to come in right  away if they didn't want Archie to go full psycho.

Her phone rang and she answered without looking at the screen.

"Hermione Granger."

"Granger? Whay the hell happened?!"

Hermione pulled the phone from her ear.

"Malfoy it's nothing, I just got burnt a bit."

She ignored the way Archie was looking at her.

"How bad? I came in to get my food after taking care of you and your family and you run away? Coward."

Hermione scoffed.

"Arse," she sneered, "always thinking about yourself, at least you aren't that sort of prick thay asks for sex after doing one decent thing—"

"Did your pity isolation period affect your brain Granger? I was being sarcastic."

Hermione felt embarrassed.

The lack of sleep was getting to her.

"It wasn't funny, what do you want Malfoy?"

"What happened?"

"Why do you care?"

"Why are you being a tosser? What pissed in your tea?"

"You know what you gormless, manky knob head? Screw you!"

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