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Hermione, James, Henry, and stepped into the house.

Hermione's mother came to greet them. She kissed her daughter's cheeks before kneeling down and introducing herself to James and Henry. She stood up and lef them to the living room.

"Hermione, your old room is set up, I have an inflatable mattress that Henry and James could sleep in. And I have a a portable crib that Lily could sleep in."

"Mum—" Hermione laughed softly, "I-I brought—"

"Nonsense, you can keep those shrunk. I am a grandmother now."

Hermione clenched her jaw. She felt guilty with the fact that she couldn't give her what she wanted.

Her mother looked at her and her expression changed.

"Hermione? Are you alright?" Her mother asked. Hermione inhaled and nodded.

"Yes," she whispered, "I'm...im going to get dinner ready. Lily needs her nap and Henry isn't allowed to watch the telly."

"Hermione," Henry whined.

"We talked about this Henry, no telly for three days."

He huffed and left up to the room. James stayed by her side without saying anything.

"What do you want to do James?" Hermione's mother asked.

James shrugged.

Hermione took a deep breath.

"James?" She asked. He looked up to her. Hermione braced herself for another rejection, "do you want to help me cook?"

She expected him to roll his eyes and walk off. But instead this time he nodded softly.

Hermione handed Lily over while leading James into the kitchen. She helped him up on the counter and began to pull out the things she would need.

"What are you going to make?" James asked.

"Spaghetti and Meatballs," she said softly.

"Why?" He asked.

Hermione looked at him before looking away.

"I always make them when I come home, my dad used to like them."

She prepared the pasta water while grabbing the meat and ingredients.

"Used to?" James asked after a moment.

Hermione looked at him once more.


"What happened to him?"

Hermione clenched her jaw.

"I'll need your help mixing the meat together, can you do that for me?" She asked instead.

He nodded softly. Hermione showed him to do it and he took over. She watched him while he struggled for a few minutes before getting the hang of it. By then the water was boiling and she added in the pasta. She got the oven preheated while she began to work on the breadsticks

They worked in silence.

"Whay will you like for dessert?" She asked him while rolling up the meat.

"Um...what did you used to eat with your dad?"

She knew he was prodding. Just like her therapist. And she remembered what his therapist said. He was a very empathetic child. And she had an inkling that it was a gift regarding his magic. She has read about it a few years ago. Where mostly children could feel deeply the emotions of a person. Sort of like a psychic but without the palm reading.

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