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"So tell me James, how is everything going?"

James looked up from his toys towards the therapist.

"It's going okay," he murmured.

"What's on your mind?"

James sighed.

"Did...did I do something wrong?" He asked his therapist. Dr. Yikes moved to sit down because him on the floor.

"What makes you say that?"

"Hermione has been receiving a lot of letters, I saw one and it was from my uncle Ron, is Hermione giving me away?"

The therapist moved closer.

"I'm sure it's not that James, have you told her that you saw the letter?"

He shook his head.

"She burned it before she read it."

"Do you miss your family James?"

He shrugged.

"I miss my cousins, but I'm making new friends."


"Valentine, Genevieve, Jacques, Julien, Romeo, Noah, Edward, Benjamin, Leon, Emily, and Aria."

"My, you're a very popular young lad, how do you know all these kids?"

"Valentine, Genevieve, Jacques and Julien are siblings, Hermione's friend Nicolette brings them over from time to time. Romeo, Noah and Edward are Archie's boys, they're triplets, and Benjamin, Leon, and Aria are Blaise and Luna's children, they're friends of Draco and old friends of Hermione."

"My, that's a lot of friends."

James scooted closer. He made a closing motion and Dr. Yokes moved closer.

"Valentine calls me her boyfriend," he whispered.

Dr. Yokes laughed.

"My, that's something James," Dr. Yokes smiled, "a-and what about school James? Do you have any friends there?"

James clenched his jaw.

"You did it again, what is it?"

"The kids at school are mean, they make fun of me because I don't have a mum or dad anymore."

"Ah...like the incident that happened a few weeks ago..."

"He was being mean! I told him to stop but he didn't! The teacher didn't believe me so I just..."

"Put him in a headlock."

James nodded shamefully.

"How are you controlling your anger James? Hermione hasn't reported any more incidents at school."

"She's teaching me how to bake."


He nodded.

"She always bakes when something bad happens, she's baking a lot more now."

"I see...I will have to ask her more about that."

"Howie..." James murmured.

"Yes James?"

"Henry wants to call Hermione mama...is that okay?"

His therapist looked at him.

"Has Henry said this?"

James nodded.

"How does that make you feel?"

"We already have a mama," James said, "it makes me scared."

"Does Hermione try to erase you parents?"

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