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"So she's healthy?"

Lily coo'ed on the medical bed. She was mesmerized by the dull lights and the animal stickers as she pinched her hands. The stethoscope on her bare chest caused her to kick out her legs.

Hermione stood beside the bed while she looked at the paediatrician with worry.

"She's wonderful, healthy weight...healthy movement...she might even be a little overweight, that only means she's more chubby and adorable," the doctor coo'ed. Lily smiled and the doctor looked into her gums.

After the exam was done. Hermione took her into her arms and grabbed the onesie before dressing her up once more.

Then she brought in Henry.

"I lost a tooth!" Henry announced. Opening his mouth wide and showing his doctor the gap.

Hermione stepped out with Lily in her carrier. She sat down and took the baby out of the seat.

"That's my good girl," Hermione whispered, she bounced Lily Luna on her lap. The baby smiled and gripped her hair.

Hermione grabbed the bottle and crooked Lily in her arms before giving her the bottle. She took it and began eating.

Hermione relaxed into the chair and crossed her legs while feeding the baby. She watched the telly even though there was a cartoon on.

She looked down and saw Lily's eyes dropping with sleep.

Hermione looked around the office. Mums with their kids and the wish she wanted so desperately to come true finally did.

She was finally a mum. She had three children that albeit they were not blood and she did not bear them. They were hers and she was doing everything in her power to keep them.

She looked down and Lily had fallen asleep. Hermione tucked the bottle away and held her close.

The door to James's psychiatrist opened and James walked out along with Dr. Yokes. The old man knelt down and James nodded softly as he spoke.

He came up to her and settled beside her.

"Lily's asleep," he told her.

Hermione nodded.

"How was it?" She asked him.

"It was good. He's more fun than Dr. Alan," he said, "and he always has candy, here."

He opened the lolly and Hermione took it. She kissed his temple and stuck it into her mouth.

"Thank you Jamesie," she smiled.

"Do I have to get my shots?" He whined.

"Yes James, it's flu season and it's time for you to get them."


"Even your sister got her shots," she told him, "Henry is getting his shots, you have too as well."

He huffed and crossed his arms.

"They hurt," he murmured.

"I know baby," she said, getting more comfortable with Lily in her arms. The baby sighed and cuddled deeper into her chest, "but it's for your own good, I know it hurts but it's only for a little while."

"But then I get ill."

"And you miss two days of school, and I give you ice cream for breakfast," she informed him, he smiled.

"Ice cream cookie sandwiches, and cola," he said.

"Cheeky," she smiled.

The door opened then and Henry walked out. He was sucking on a lolly and his arm hung on his side.

"Okay James, your turn," the doctor said.

James shot one last look of desperation at Hermione. She shook her head and he reluctantly walked up to her before following her in.

"Miss Granger?"

Hermione saw James's psychiatrist at his door. She got up and ensured that Lily was still asleep in her arms as she went up to him.

"Dr. Yokes, is everything okay?"

"Everything is well. I've seen a large improvement in James's life these last few months. I think public school has been a great place for him, he's making friends...he's mood has improved hasn't it?"

"Yes. He's more...open."

"He's improved a lot. I'm impressed, you're doing a great job with them...but he told me about the custody battle between you and his grandparents."

Hermione sighed softly.

"Yes, they are trying to get custody of them."

"And you're fighting back."

"I am...I'm trying my best for them."

"Here," he said. He handed over a file, "I gathered information and that will help you with your case."

"You think I have a chance?" She whispered.

He smiled.

"I look at James now and when he first came to me, you're doing a good job Miss Granger, and I asked him; he wants to be with you."

Hermione wiped her eyes.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"I have some contacts for Henry, I know you wanted to get him into therapy as soon as possible. These are the best that I know, they'll be more than willing to meet with you and Henry."

"Thank you."

"So how are things with you and Mr. Malfoy?"

Hermione blushed.

"We've been seeing each other more seriously now," she said, "I still haven't told the kids but...we're official."

"That's good for you, a good sense of stability for you and the kids."

"Thank you."

"Have a good day Miss Granger, I'll see James in two weeks like always, and if you need any more help with the trial, let me know."

She walked back to the chairs and settled beside Henry.

Eventually James walked out and the four of them walked to the car. She settled the sleeping baby into the car seat before getting James and Henry set up. Soon she drove home and noticed that her two boys were starting to feel the ill affects of the flu shots.

Once home; she settled them into her bed and summoned two wet towels.

"Draco will be by soon with some soup okay?" She told them.

James nodded softly. Henry sneezed.

She made sure that they were all tucked in before she started to clean up around the house. Waiting for Draco to arrive.

When he got there. He kissed her first before showing her the bag.

"I brought reinforcements."

She giggled and led him into the kitchen.

"They're sleeping right now," she said. "How was your day?"

He groaned and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"The best part of my day has been coming home to you," he whispered.

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