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Granger asked him to spend the night and he was more than elated.

Of course his future mother in law sent him to the boys room.

Which was why right now. Draco Malfoy, most prestigious writer and critic. Head of the House of Black. Was laying on a cot on the floor with Henry's foot digging itself into his throat.

He kept thinking back to the events of the day. Granger had put herself in a very difficult and vulnerable position for him and he knew how much it meant to her.


He raised his head and saw her sticking her head through door. Almost as if a weight had been lifted off her, she looked younger.

But he would be an idiot to not see that she still had demons.

He wanted to help her cast them all out. Then maybe she would open herself to the possibility of love. And maybe she would see him more than a reluctant friend.

"What?" He whispered.

"Can you sneak out?"

He looked at the two boys who had decided to sleep with him. James had his torso sprung across his chest and Henry had one foot on his throat and the other pressed against his ear.

He slowly pulled Henry away. Only getting kicked once. He laid him down more comfortably and began to work on James. He somehow managed to get both boys off him and snuck out of the room.

Granger took his hand and they went down the stairs. Draco felt like a teenager sneaking around Hogwarts. They entered the kitchen and she cast a silencing spell around them.

"Wine?" She whispered.

He nodded. She pulled out a DragonsBreath Wine and poured them each a glass.

"Thank you for today," she said softly, she took a deep breath as she moved closer, "it was...it was the first time in years that I have been able to talk about my dad without feeling as if my heart was being torn out of my chest."

He kissed the back of her hand.

"Granger," he whispered. She hummed on acknowledgment, "will you...will you ever be able to tell me how he died?"

She inhaled shakily.

"I don't know," she said sincerely, "it has been...my most painful memory...I don't know if I would ever be able to say it out loud..."

They stayed silent.

He had to tell her now, right now how he felt. Without any kids running around or being called in to the restaurant, or an bearing bad news. He had to tell her now.


Almost as if he jinxed himself there was a pecking at the window. She shot him an apologetic smile before going to answer.

He watched her as she tore open the seal.

He watched her as she read the words inside.

He watched her as her expression fell.

He was immediately by side as her legs gave out. Sitting her on a chair, he took the letter from her.

Dear Miss Hermione Granger,

You have been called in to the Wizards Courts regarding the custody of James Sirius, Henry Samuel and Lily Luna Potter, you have been served with reclamation of Parental Rights by Molly and Arthur Weasley. Please arrive to The Ministry of Magic today at 3:15 to begin custody proceedings.

Gretchen Fairwater,
Head of Justice.

Granger breathed heavily as Draco crumpled the paper.

"I-I thought—they don't—they just—"

He pulled her into his chest as she struggled to breathe. Clinging onto him as he tried to figure out what he could do for her.

But unfortunately...he was coming up blank.

He needed to call in reinforcements.


James was at school, Henry and Lily where work Grace and Jean while Pansy, Theo, Blaise, Luna, Draco and Hermione sat in the living room of Granger's house.

Pansy looked over the crumpled letter.

"Is there...do they...do they have a case?"Hermione whispered.

Pansy sighed.

"Unfortunately they do," Pansy confirmed, "since they are the kid's biological grandparents, they can demand custody of them."

"But they rejected Parental Rights when the Potters died, doesn't that okay a role?" Luna asked.

Draco looked at Hermione who was quiet. Her eyes numb as she stared at the floor.

"It should but even with all this change, the wizarding world is still based on Blood, whose blood and whose not, and since Granger isn't related to the kids, she has no rights even though she's their godmother and legal guardian,"

"What if she adopts them?" Theo asked.

"They could fight it, until they give up hundred percent of their rights, they have a case."

"Pans," Draco said, "can you take the case? I'll pay you—"

"No," Granger murmured, looking at him before turning to Pansy, "can I win? If I can't I'll just stop here...I don't want them to go through more trauma and have false hope only for it to be torn away from them last minute."

Pansy sat down.

"You have a chance," Pansy said, "with your...status...people will be forced to see all the good things you did for the Wizarding World and now for these kidis, it may help...and I will take this case pro-bono."


"My oldest son was adopted, and I fought hard for him," Pansy told her, "so I am asking you Granger, how much do you want them? Because right now, they feel alone, are you going to show them that they're not, or that they are?"

"That's not fair," Granger sniffed.

"Unfortunately it's not, but you will need to figure it out sooner than letter, before we file for injunction."

Granger nodded softly.

"Can I let you know later?" She whispered, wiping her eyes, "I-I need to get to work."


"Can you be here to take the kids?" She whispered, "I need to go by the restaurant before I go...before I..."

He took her hand.

"Do you want me to do with you?" He asked softly.

She shook her head.

"The boys need you need you here—I need you here...please Malfoy..."

He nodded. She looked at all of them and looked at Pansy.

"Can you come with me?" She asked her, "I'm good in the kitchen but in a courtroom..."

"Of course," Pansy assured, "I'll meet you here at 3:30."

Granger nodded.

She stood up and left the living room. He sighed and rubbed his hands over his face.

"So..." Theo trailed off.

"Don't Theo," Draco said.

"We have to, Draco," Pansy said, "he's being nosey, I'm behind serious, how serious are you with her?"

Draco traced the tattoo behind his elbow and looked as his friends.

"I'm serious," he whispered. As he touched the tattoo over his elbow.


Like his golden girl.

Pansy nodded. Seeing the look in his eyes.

"Okay," she said, "let's do this."

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