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Hermione awoke jolted. She looked around her room in a panic. Her shirt was glued to her skin as she breathed heavily.

There was a sound coming from the monitor. She slowly got out of bed and shuffled to the crib. Lily was awake but for the first time she wasn't crying.

"Hi," Hermione whispered. She slowly picked up the baby and carried her to the changing station, "hi Lily."

Lily just looked at her.

She was going mental. She was talking to a baby for goodness sake.

She looked at her alarm clock.


"Seems like you couldn't sleep Lily," Hermione whispered, "don't worry, I can't sleep either."

She changed the diaper and carried Lily to the kitchen. Miraculous; Lily was not crying and she was truly hoping it stayed like thay for a little while longer.

She warmed the bottle as she walked with Lily in her arms.

"What woke up up Lily?" Hermione murmured. Yawning into the air before doing another lap around the island, "a bad dream woke me up."

She looked at the clock.


Another lap.

"I can't sleep longer than three hours" she said, she looked down at the baby, "and you haven't helped me," she coo'ed.

It's official.

Hermione was losing her mind.

She grabbing the bottle and checked the temperature. Once she ensured that it was the right temperature, she began to feed Lily.

"There's a nanny coming today," she said, "a little older than the last few but she has had a lot of experience...you have an appointment with the Paediatrician today...maybe she can help me with your colic."

She continued going in circles as she fed Lily. Eventually the baby fell asleep and Hermione placed her back in the crib. Ensuring that she had a good connection between the baby monitors, she went back into the kitchen.

She worked on papers and reports that have fallen behind. On the things that she needed to get in order now with the three kids.

When it was three in the morning. Hermione pulled out her things and began to make cinnamon roles.

Anything to distract her mind.

As the dough rested. Hermione turned on the telly and watched reruns. She fell asleep until her alarm woke her up. She shuffled back into the kitchen and finished making the rest of the cinnamon rolls.

It was early morning when James first shuffled in. He stopped when he smelled the rolls.

"Can I—"

"You can have one after breakfast and after you finish your homework, I want it done correctly James."


"Do you want a roll?"

James glared at her. She didn't back down.

He nodded curtly and sat on the table. Hermione made him some eggs and bacon with toast before placing it in front of him.

"I don't want eggs."

"Then don't eat them."

A knock at the door made her look away from James. She went to go answer and a dark skin older woman stood there.

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