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Everything was too calm.

Weeks have passed

Hermione was at work while rolling out her neck. The tense muscles barely moved but she felt slightly relieved.


Hermione looked up and saw Archie standing there.

"Do you feel okay?" He asked.

Hermione nodded.

"I just feel stressed..."


"I'm fine," Hermione whispered, "can you pass me the asparagus?"


Hermione turned and the room spun. She tried to braced herself but she fell. Archie yelled for help as he caught her. She breathed heavily as he led her into the sitting room. Helping her onto a chair as he began looking for his keys. Nicolette quickly ran in and knelt in front of her.

"Hermione are you okay?!"

"I'm fine," she breathed heavily, "everyone is just fretting too much," she murmured.

"Okay I have my keys," Archie said as he ran in, he helped her up and the room spun again. She hunched over and Nicolette grabbed a bucket before she threw up.

Hermione let Archie drag her out of the office and into her car. Hermione shut her eyes as he drove.

They reached the hospital and he led her in. They did everything to check her out.

The doctor entered and sat on the chair. He looked at her with an unreadable expression.

Hermione didn't know why she was here. Yes she's been feeling weird but it was just stress or the flu.

Everyone really overreacted.

After brief plesantries, Hermione was on the bed with very crinkly paper and the doctor was taking her blood pressure.

"You're blood pressure is a little high...have you been under a lot of stress?"

Hermione sighed.

"Yes," she whispered, "I uh...I'm in a middle of a custody battle with my children's grandparents..."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

Hermione shrugged.

"What about you? Do you have any biological children?"

"I can't have kids," she whispered, "I'm infertile..."

"When were you diagnosed?"

"When I was eighteen, after I suffered a miscarriage."

"I'm sorry to hear that...you know...I'm not liking how high your pressure is...I think it would be best to see if there's anything going on, what else have you been feeling?"

"Nausea...lightheadedness...I feel like my heart is beating really fast..."

"Are you in a relationship?"

Hermione nodded.

"Have you been sexually active?"

Hermione coughed awkwardly into her hand. She may be almost thirty and yet the talk of sex with a person who wasn't Draco felt weird. She felt like a child.


Her doctor hummed.

"What do you work in? What is your profession?"

"I am a professional cook. I'm the head cook at Golden."

"Oh? The food there is really good."

Hermione blushed slightly; "thank you."

"Well...I would like to do the blood test to see what's going on, and I want to you remove some stress, you're too young to have a high blood pressure at this level..."

Hermione nodded once her doctor finished all the instructions. She drove home and Draco was in her very silent kitchen. The kids were unfortunately with their grandparents once more due to court orders.

He immediately went up to her and checked her out. Ensuring that she wasn't hurt or anything.

"Hey," she whispered, cupping his cheeks and pressing their foreheads together. "I'm okay...it was just an overreaction."

He put his hands on her waist.

"It wasn't an overreaction," he whispered, "you ended up in the hospital. You almost passed out in the kitchen, luckily you didn't get hurt..."

She wrapped her arms around his neck. He snuggled close into the crook and exhaled softly. Pulling her closer.

"How was it?"

She shrugged as she held him close.

"It's so quiet..." she murmured. Looking over his shoulder and hearing nothing.

"I know, love..."

He turned his head and kissed her. She sighed into his chest and he held her close.

"They'll be back home..." he whispered against her lips.

"When?" She whispered back.


He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He pressed her against the wall and kissed her neck. She bit her lip as her head rolled back.

"Draco," she gasped.

"Don't look at it as a negative," he whispered, "imagine they're with your mum...imagine that this empty home is voluntarily so that we can spend time together acting like horny teenagers."

She laughed breathlessly as he carried her into the living room. Dropping on the couch with her straddling his lap.

"You are a very naughty man Draco Malfoy," she told him.

"You love me for it."

Hermione pulled back. Her eyes wide as she looked at him.


"I love you," she whispered.

He smiled brightly and his dimple showed. Hermione brushed his hair back as he pulled her closer.

"I love you too," he whispered back.

Hermione kissed him passionately. Moaning against him while wondering why she got so lucky with him.

"So you were saying something about us being two horny teenagers?" She asked sultrily. Pulling her hair to the side as he began kissing down her exposed skin.

"Just like two sixth year students in Hogwarts sneaking around after hours," he whispered, "experimenting with each other..."

Hermione felt his hands move under her shirt. She pulled at his hair as he continued playing out a fantasy.

"Maybe even sneaking into the library...into the restricted section and things get heated behind closed doors..."

Hermione giggled softly.

His hands were on her arse and Hermione grind against him.

"You're a very naughty man," she whispered softly into his ear.

"And you're my naughty witch," he whispered back.

Hermione pulled back and slowly slipped her shirt over her head. He kissed her sternum and pulled back. Hermione slipped his shirt over his own head and kissed his bare shoulder.

"Let's see how naughty we can be together," she smirked. He smirked back and kissed her passionately. Hermione giggled as he flipped her onto her back and stared into his eyes. He kissed her and it was safe to say that they spent the rest of the day exploring and being two people in love.

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