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This day has been bizarre.

First she had an intense therapy session.

Then she got wonderful news that Malfoy had hit his head hard enough to knock it out his arse.

And then she got devastating news that Harry was dead.

And now...she has three children in her house that don't even know her.

A full glass or red wine was in front of her as her head was in her hands. She leaned over the counter not knowing what to do.


Hermione sniffed and looked up. Malfoy was in her home and yet she wasn't phased.

She was too numb to be phased.

"They're asleep."

She nodded mutely.

He poured himself a glass.

"How long has it been since you last saw Potter?"

"Eight years," she murmured.

"No contact?"


He drank silently.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Granger."

She shrugged slightly.

Just then Lily began to cry. Hermione exhaled slowly and went up to the room. Lily was in the cot crying and she picked her up.

"What is it Lily? Huh? What is it? Can you go back to sleep?" Hermione asked. Lily did not stop crying.

She walked back to the kitchen and searched for a bottle. She read the instructions and prepared it as such. Lily was searching for something but Hermione didn't know what.

"You okay?" Malfoy asked.

"Yeah," she said softly, "I think it's best if you left, I'm okay."

He pushed off. He walked to the exit.

"Malfoy?" Hermione called after him. He turned to her and waited, "thank you...for today."

Lily let out another ear piercing scream and Hermione turned to the bottle. Struggling to check the temperature while holding to the baby. It took her a minute before she was able to feed her. Lily pushed it away and continued crying.

It took close to an hour for Lily to latch to the bottle. Hermione looked at the clock on the microwave.




Lily still cried and Hermione couldn't concentrate. She had tried everything. Feeding her. Changing her. Bathing her. Everything and nothing worked.

"Miss Granger—"

"I-I'm so sorry," Hermione said. Opening up the stroller and looking at Lily, "Lily, baby what do you want? You have a dry diaper, you've been fed, what do you want now baby?"

"Maybe she needs to be held."

Hermione looked at the principal with shame before pulling the baby out. She pressed her against her chest and Lily calmed down a bit. 

"As I was saying," the principal said after a minute, "James wouldn't be able to start the school year come spring, irs too advanced."

"He'll have to be held back?"

"Unfortunately yes."

Hermione exhaled shakily.

"W-What if during the winter break, I teach him what he has missed so far?"

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