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Hermione was at work when she received a call from James's school. He had gotten into a fight and he was suspended.

She quickly left and stormed into the school. There had to be a reason for this. James was doing so good at school and this came out of nowhere.

She entered the office and knelt in front of James.

"James what happened?!"

James shoved her back with such force that took her by surprise.


"I hate you!" James yelled, "why didn't you tell me that Uncle Ron wanted to see us?! Why are you keeping us from them?!"

Hermione's stomach dropped.

"Who told you that?" She asked. "who told you that James?!"

"Nona!" James yelled, "she owled—"

Hermione reacted and covered his mouth with her hand. She knelt down and he was glaring at her.

"I know your angry James, but if you say anything about the wizarding world, we'll all get in trouble," she whispered angrily. Letting him go before a teacher came in.

"Miss Granger, James Potter has been suspended and is not allowed to return for at least two weeks, the board will decide whether or not to allow him to return for the remainder of the year or if he will not be allowed to return, I think he is not a good fit for this school and I believe that you should consider him attending another school for the future."

Hermione nodded and looked at James. She took his hand and led him outside. He was fighting her and making them look ridiculous.

She was going to kill Molly.

How dare she contact them? She had no right.

Hermione got him into the car seat and got in behind the wheel. James began throwing stuff at her.

"I hate you! Why did you lie to me?! You're not my mum! I hate you!"

Hermione took the abuse, she pulled into the driveway and turned to James.

"When did she owl you?" Hermione asked coldly.

He glared at her.

"When, James?"

"When you were gone all day, the day we made a fort," he spat.

"What did she tell you?"

"She said you were fighting to keep us away from them, that you didn't want them to see us"

"Anything else?"

"She said she missed me and she asked you nicely to let us visit them and you said no."

Hermione gripped the wheel.

"Just for your knowledge James, they don't want you to visit, they want to take you, Henry and Lily away from me, is that what you want?"

It was clear that Molly withheld this information from James. His eyes widened as she unbuckled herself.

"Get out of the car," she ordered.


"No James, I have taught you as well as Dr. Yokes that if something is bothering you, do not resort to violence, throwing a tantrum won't get you what you want, and what you did to that boy? James you're lucky they didn't catch you! What were you thinking forcing an outburst around him? You could have killed him! Is that what you wanted?! I'm done having this conversation James, I'll take you and your siblings to your grandmother if that's what you want but just so you know I am fighting to ensure you have a good home and a family that loves you, I'm sorry you hate me James but I will not tolerate your abuse much longer so get out of the car and go pack!"

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