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Hermione worked on some croissants to try to ease her up mind. She folded up the dough over the butter once more.

"How are you feeling today, Hermione?"

Hermione looked at Alan.

"Better..." she murmured.

"Were you able to sleep?"

She shook her head.

"Did you take your medication?"

She shook her head once more.


"Because I can't..."


"I can't..."


"It didn't help my dad!" Hermione snapped, her exhaustion getting the better of her, "how can they help me when they couldn't help my dad?!"

She turned back to her dough.

Take something bad and turn it into something delicious...

She sniffed and stopped rolling the dough.

"How old were you Hermione?" He asked her.

She looked at him.

She fought the urge to clench her jaw.

"Six," she whispered, "I was six...and it happened after Christmas..."

Alan took her hand.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you," Alan whispered. She sniff and wiped her nose with her free sleeve.

"Have you told anyone the story?"

She shook her head.

"Have you talked to your mother about it?"

She shook her head once more.

"Okay...I want you to do something for me," Alan said, "I want you to tel someone the whole truth of what happened to your father."

Hermione began to feel her walls come up and a wave of panic started.

"I-I can't—"

"Hermione," Alan sighed, "you'll never begin the full healing process if you keep holding onto this..."

Hermione sniffed.

"Who?" She whispered, "who do I tell?"

"Anyone you want," he assured, "it can be your mum, me, even a stranger, you just need to tell them what you want, but you just need to let go."

Hermione cried softly.

"I don't want to let go of my dad," she cried.

"You're not letting go of him, you're going to let go of what the loss made you feel, you have gone through the stages of grief but you have gone back to both depression and denial...I think it's time to move onto acceptance..."

Hermione cried and held onto him.

The session ended and Hermione held a box of Tupperware and got into her car. She sat in silence as she turned on her car and drove home. She parked in her garage and stayed in her.

Hermione sniffed and wiped her eyes.

"I don't know what to do" she whispered tearfully "I don't...I don't know what to do..."

She put down the visor and looked at the picture of her, her mother and her father...she touched the worm down picture.

"I miss you dad..." she whispered, tracing his outline "I...I miss your laugh...y-your stories...oh dad I miss your love...I feel so alone..."

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