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Hermione took a deep breath before knocking on the door. When it opened. It revealed a Draco Malfoy.

"Granger?" He asked.

Hermione raised a bottle of wine.

"Why are you here?"

"I came to say thank you," she murmured, "and apologize..."

He stepped to the side and she entered. This was actually the first she has ever gone to Malfoy's house and it was grand compared to hers.

"Kitchen's this way."

Hermione followed him to a cooks wet dream. She gasped and marvelled at the top of the art equipment and spacious counters.

If she lived here...she would never leave the kitchen. She touched the marvel counters and spider burners while slowly walking.


She turned to him and nodded. He summoned two glasses and a bottle opener. She walked up to him as he poured them a drink.

"Do you cook?" Hermione asked.

He shrugged.

"I mostly critique—"

"You we're always good at that."

He shot her a glare. She smiled weakly before spinning her wine.

"Thank you Malfoy," she whispered.

"For what?"

"I wouldn't have been able to survive the first week without you, James and Henry...they really like you..."

"I'm just good with kids."

"That's something I never expected you to say."

He chuckled weakly.

She took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, "from the night when I was in the hospital...I just...I overreacted and let my ego get in the way...I know you were only joking and trying to make me feel better."

"Forget about it," he said, "it's in the past."

She took his hand. Looking around the kitchen she really wanted to cook. But what she never saw was the way that Malfoy was blushing while he looked at their intertwined hands.

"Can I make you something?" She asked. Smiling brightly when she turned back to him. He quickly composed his features and nodded.

"I can get Nixty to get you whatever you need."

"Get four of your favourite wines and I'll cook something accordingly," she said. Giddy with the challenge.

It's been years since she get this excited.

And strangely it was alway Malfoy who made her feel like this.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?"

She laughed and shook her head.

"No, I'm going to show you how I get my Chef's Secrets," she told him.

"Your going to show me? Who are you and what have you done with Granger?"

She giggled.

Honestly...she didn't know what was wrong with herself. She was excited and free and really wanted to hold onto this feeling before it got taken away.

"Come on Malfoy, four to five wines that you love."

He exhaled and ran a hand through his hair.


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