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Hermione was at work with Nicolette, Archie and Francessco. She had just finished giving out the menu for the coming week.

"So is it true?" Nicolette asked eagerly.

"Is what true?"

"You we're on a date with Draco Malfoy."

"I called it, I knew they were sleeping together, too much sexual tension between them, one of them was bound to break."

"The way he looks at her...perfezione."

"Enough," Hermione snapped, "Malfoy and I were not on a date, we were not sleeping together and he doesn't look at me some sort of way."

All three of them snorted.

"You truly believe that don't you?"

Hermione gave each of them a glare as they smirked at her.

"You're all off your meds, you're all crazy."

They snorted synchronously.

"What?" She snapped once more.

"Draco Malfoy looks at you as if you hung the stars, all the waiters can see it. Every time you storm our there, he beams up and looks at you all lovingly. I swear. In the bedroom with you, he'll be a sub."

"What's a sub?"

Hermione swore and turned around. James stood there with Malfoy who was smirking. Hermione blushed beet red before looking back at the child who was supposed to be in school.

"Why aren't you in school?"

"Short day."

"And you didn't think to call me?"

"Draco said to call him while you're at work. Thay way you won't get fired."

She shot him a glare. He didn't stop smirking.

"Okay...why aren't you at home?"

"Henry is being annoying."

Hermione exhaled slowly.

"Why are you here?"

Nicolette snorted and backed away when Hermione turned her glare at her. Francessco and Archie both sniggered as they worked on their respective recipes.

"Draco didn't want to take me to the movies."

"He can do that," Hermione told them with confusion, she turned to Malfoy who held up a finger.

"Tell her what movie you wanted to watch."

James groaned.

"Do I have to?" James asked.


He sighed and turned back to Hermione.

"One Missed Call..."

Hermione's jaw dropped. Her idiotic friends began laughing loudly as she looked between James and Malfoy.

"Absolutely not!" Hermione exclaimed, "you're six! Archie won't even see that movie and he's twenty-six!"


"Oh thats—is thay why you keep postponing plans?!"

"You pus—"

"Hey!" Hermione warned, "not around the child!"

James groaned.

"Why? Billy saw it!"

"And Billy was traumatized for a week every time the phone rang, you're not seeing that movie!"

James stomped his foot.

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