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Three days.

That's how long it's been since James, Henry and Lily came into her life. That's how long it's been since she has worked. That's how long it's been since she's gotten a minute of sleep.

Lily would not stop crying. And if she wasn't crying she was either pooping or throwing up. She was up all night and would only go to sleep for fifteen to twenty minutes before she woke up crying again.

Henry wouldn't stop with the tantrums. Everywhere they went he has to throw the loudest tantrum and call the attention of everyone. Making people look at her with disgust and judgement as she couldn't control him.

And James..,James was probably the worse. Instigating his brother and arguing at every given opportunity. Throwing in her face thay she wasn't their mum. Blaming her for the predicament she found herself in.

She couldn't do it anymore.

She somehow managed to book an appointment with her therapist and actually use it. Right now she was in the kitchen aggressively kneeding a piece of dough.

Her therapist sat at the island as she worked.

Take something bad, and make it into something delicious.

Take something bad, and make it into something delicious.

Take something bad, and make it into something delicious.

"I don't know what to do with them," Hermione rambled, "do you know; that the day my cat died, I stopped being able to keep something alive, I can't even keep a plant alive for more than a week let alone three children under the age of seven."

"Take a breath Hermione."

"I can't!" She yelled. Flipping it over and repeating the process.

"I haven't been able to breath from the moment I got them, James...James is always arguing 'no!' 'I don't want to!' 'You're not my mum!' 'I hate you!'. Henry—Henry is always on the floor, always throwing some sort of tantrum, I-I-I make him food, he doesn't want it. I put the food away, be shrieks for food, all the time—he just doesn't stop. And Lily...Lily has not stop crying since the moment I got them, I-I habe tried everything, I have even taken her to the emergency room thinking something was wrong and she only had colic, I'm sorry but she's actually making me lose my mind."

She exhaled.

Take something bad, and make it into something delicious.

Take something bad, and make it into something delicious.

Take something bad, and make it into something delicious.

"And the...Weasley's...they don't want anything to do with them?"

Hermione shook her head before groaning.

"No, No, and you know why? Because they're little devils, this is my punishment, this is what I have to pay with."

She cut the dough into little balls. She laid them on the tray and shoved them into the oven. She leaned against the counter and exhaled.

"I can't sleep Alan," she told him, "well I couldn't sleep before but now I can't even shut my eyes, Lily is up all hours of the night, crying and nothing I do can sooth her."

"Maybe she's mourning."

She looked at him as if he was crazy.

"She's three months old."

"Exactly, she had barely been in this world nad her mother was killed, all of them are mourning and clearly this is a lot for you so maybe you should give them up."

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