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Hermione sat nervously in the restaurant. Draco had asked her to meet her there because he was running a bit late. She took it as an opportunity to try to control her nerves while reaching into the pocket of her coat and touching the small box.

Just then she saw Draco quickly walking to her table. He looked dashing in his suit as he spotted her and smiled.

Before she could even breathe he was leaning down and kissing her gently. His hands cupping her cheeks tenderly while his lips warmed hers.

He pulled back and settled down across from her. She felt dizzy and giddy before looking at him.

"I'm sorry I'm late, there had been a problem at the office. Have you ordered?"

She shook her head.

Hermione looked around the intimate restaurant. Couples who looked as if they had been married for years all sat facing their partners. Still looking lovingly at each other. A couple who looked as if they were also on their first date sat and looked nervous.

Hermione looked back to Draco who was busy muttering to himself as he went over the menu. His facial expressions told her what he was thinking.

He looked very different from their time back at Hogwarts. He looked more free. Not hiding behind walls or seeking his parents approval.

His hair was slightly wavy and long but still taken care off. His face more mature than when he had been a teenager. There was a shadow of a stubble against his face but it still looked distinguished.

He must have felt her looking at him because he looked up. Catching her eyes.

"What?" He asked tenderly.

"I have something for you," she blurted out.

This wasn't supposed to go like this. But she might as well go with it.

She pulled out the box and gave it to him. He looked confused before he opened it. His eyes widening as he realized what it was.


"I'm not asking you to marry me," she giggled before taking a breath, "but...this was my father's ring...his wedding ring...I asked my mother for it."


She took his hands.

"Because I want to make a promise to you," she confessed, "I want to give you everything you deserve...a partner who will love you and cherish you. I know that I'm not okay. I haven't been okay for years; but today you went above and beyond for me and I want to do the same. You are a light to me, you have taken me out of the darkness that u had been trapped in for so long. I can think of my father without feeling guilty. I have been able to visit his grave without fear. And I owe it all to you. You never treated me as if I was a fragile piece of glass. You treated me as a human being. I also made mistakes when we were younger and I'm taking accountability for my actions, but now I know that you have always been someone that pushed me. That made me want to live. Whether it was out of spite or not," she giggled, she shakily took the ring and slid it down his right ring finger, "so I'm making you a promise with this ring, I'm going to try with all my might to live for you, in the darkness days or easiest nights, I'm going to fight for you, because you give me a reason to live. You were what I was looking for, for so long...and you were right in front of my face for years."

She wiped her eyes while trying to not ruin her makeup. He chuckled tearfully and smiled at her.

"You are...extraordinary," he breathed, he looked at the ring, "you are..."

She leaned over the table and kissed him.

"If you take me...your girlfriend?" She whispered against his lips.

He kissed her back.

"You are my girlfriend."

She leaned her head on his forehead before sitting back down. She looked down at the ring on his hand and exhaled.

She was so happy.

She felt as if she was about to burst into fireworks.

Hermione couldn't tear her eyes away from him.

She felt alive.


They ate and admired each other. Hermione couldn't stop holding his hand and touching the ring.

Eventually they made it back or her place. Hermione leaned on the door and looked up at him. She pulled him down and kissed him.

"Do you want to come in for a night cap?" She whispered, "the kids are with my mum..."

He breathed heavily against her lips.

"I could have a cuppa," he whispered. Hermione kissed again and they tumbled through her door. He pressed her up against the wall and began kissing down her neck.

"You have no idea how much I've been waiting for this..."

She smiled softly. He kissed her again before picking her up and holding her tightly. He carried her to her room and settled her down on her bed.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"For what?"

"For being a thorn in my side," she giggled. He chuckled and kissed her again.

It was safe to say that they didn't have a cuppa.


Hermione sat cross legged on her bed wearing his shirt with a cup of tea in her hands. She watched him sleeping. Watching the way his chest moved rhythmically. His eyelashes fluttering as he slept.

Hermione kept blushing as she thought of the night prior. It was even more magical than the last time because this time she actually knew who she was sleeping with.

He sighed and his eyes slowly open. Immediately finding her and a smile crawled onto his face.

"Good morning," his deep voice rumbled, "what a sight to see..."

Hermione smiled softly.

She placed her cup on the table side before she yelped in surprise as he hauled her closer. He crawled over her and kissed her.

"Malfoy," she giggled. He leaned over her.

"Why don't we stay in bed? We have loads of year to catch up..." he winked.

She laughed.

"Malfoy, I have three kids sleeping over at my mum's house. And as much as she loves them, I think her and my step dad will like their peace and quiet back."

He groaned and dropped his head on her shoulder.

"What do you do to me?" He sighed. Dropping her weight on him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and brushed her fingers through his hair.

"Do you want to eat breakfast?" She asked.

"I want dessert."

"Stop," she laughed, "you naughty wizard."

"You're an addiction," he sighed. Raising his head, "I can't stay away from you."

Hermione blushed.


"Fine," he groaned.

"Okay then get off, I can't breathe."

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