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Hermione cut the ingredients while her mind was lost in thought and didn't realize that Francessco was beside her until he snapped fingers in her face.

"Hi," she murmured.

"You okay boss?"

She chuckled humourlessly.

"I'm great," she said sarcastically, "the grandparents of James, Henry and Lily want to take them away from me after I have been the one taking care of them, they—they gave up parental rights and yet, yet they have the audacity to take them from me because I'm refusing to uproot my life and their life for their convenience."

She grabbed another tomato and began cutting it.

"What are you going to do?"

She sighed. A sudden yelp erupted from her lips as she dropped the bloody knife and immediately began washing her bleeding hand.

"Sh—Hermione!" Francessco exclaimed as he immediately grabbed a cloth and pressed it against her hand.

She held onto the cloth before looking up at him.

"I don't know," she confessed, wincing when he slowly removed the cloth to see if she was still heavily bleeding, she sighed and leaned on the counter, "I'm not...I'm not—what if I'm doing worse to them by keeping them away from their family?"

He exhaled, "Sounds to me like you're looking for ways to give up."

She looked at him.


"I grew up in the foster system Hermione, I know what it's like to hear foster parents giving up their children while making excuses, I have heard it all sorts of ways, Hermione, what do you want? Do you want them to stay, or to go?"

"I want them to stay," she whispered, "but I don't want to hurt them."

"Talk to James," he told her, "talk to him and Henry, figure out what they want and go from there."

Hermione nodded softly as he worked on her hand.

"Hey Frankie," she murmured.

He hummed in acknowledgment.

"I'm—what happened? You never talk about your life..."

"Says the pot to the kettle," he smirked. Hermione laughed softly before a somber look fell over her face once more.

He shrugged.

"I got adopted before I aged out, my mother and father saved me before I was thrown out of the street."

Hermione smiled softly.

"I'm glad you found your family."

He smiled back.

"Now I made one of my own."

"So you're telling me that it's worth it," she murmured.

"Look Hermione, I can't tell you to do anything...but I can tell you that these kids are the best thing that has happened to you, there's...a life in your eyes...these kids...they need you just as much as you need them...so listen to them...and listen to your heart...you know what to do."

She chewed her lower lip.



"Stop calling my kids swear words."

He laughed.

The rest of the day went by too fast. She was back home getting dressed in a business suit. She brushed out her skirt and made sure her coat was without a wrinkle before there was a knock at her front door.

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