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"I want my mummy! I want my mummy! I want my mummy!" Henry shouted. Lily was shrieking in her cot and James had the telly blasted to max.

"James! Turn that off!" His Nona yelled.


James ignored her.

"I want my mummy! I want my daddy! I want to go home!" Henry shrieked.

""You are home James!" Molly yelled. "This is your home!"

She reached for him but Henry began slapping her and spitting on her.

"I want Hermione! I want Draco! I hate you! I hate you!"

"James! Turn off that television now!"

James stuck his tongue out at her but continued watching the telly.

Lily was still screaming in her cot. She was red in the face and sweating.

Molly went for Lily but the baby got even louder when Molly reached for her.

"Get away from her!" Henry yelled, "she wants mama! Get away!"

James went up to the cot and slowly took Lily. His little sister wailed in his arms. He took her back to the couch and held her the way that Hermione taught him how to.

Molly looked like she was about to cry.

Lily began to calm down and slowly fell asleep in his arms. James continued watching the television.

Molly gave up and left the room. Henry settled beside him and began sucking on his thumb.

"Turn the telly down," James said softly. His little brother lowered the volume before getting closer to James.

"I want to go home." Henry whispered.

"We will."


"Mum and dad are trying, I know they are."

Henry sniffed.

"I miss them."

"I know...so do I."

They watched the movie and James heard his grandmother talking to his grandfather.

"She has manipulated them! She brainwashed them!"

It was muffled but he could make up the words.

"Molly dear—"

"They are irritating! Disobedient! And spoiled! That—that woman has turned them into little demons, my sweet grandchildren—"

James pulled Henry closer and covered his ears in order to ensure that his little brother didn't hear the insults that his grandmother was spewing.

Just then uncle Ron entered the house and looked at the three of them before looking at the chaos around them.

He sighed and slowly knelt down in front of them.


James glared at his uncle.

Henry mimicked him and their uncle Ron hesitated.

"You're home—"

"I want to go to my real home. With Hermione and Draco. I want to see my friends, I want to see Valentine, I don't want to be here anymore!"

Uncle Ron reached for them but James kicked him. He tried again and James kicked him again. Uncle Ron raised his hands in surrender while looking at the children.


He sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair.

"She's with Draco—"

"Daddy loves us as well," Henry spat, "mama really loves him. I want to go home! I want my mummy! I want to see nana! I want to see papa William! I want to see Daddy! I want to go home!" He shrieked and began throwing another tantrum which led Lily to start crying loudly.

Uncle Ron looked at them defeated. James could see it.

Uncle Ron tried to reach for Lily but James kicked him. He tried again but James kicked him again. Holding his sister close so that they wouldn't take her away as well.

He got up and went into the kitchen. He poured himself a drink and gripped the counter. James watched him with a close eye. Ensuring he didn't try anything.

His shoulders slumped and began to shake. James quickly realized that he was crying. Mama used to do the same when she remembered her dad.

James sniffed and looked back at the telly. Henry sniffed and sucked on his thumb before getting up and grabbing the baby bottle and giving it to James.

The little boy tucked himself into his older brother's side. A sniff now and then escaped from both Henry or Lily.

But no one tried to talk to them again. They left them alone.

"Brush your teeth," James told Henry once they started getting ready for bed. He looked at Lily through the crib and she had a thumb in her mouth as she slept. Her face red and botchy and James knew that mama would know how to soothe it.

He entered the bathroom and began brushing his own teeth with the toothbrush that nana gave him. It had Pablo from the Backyardigans.

Henry's was Tyrone.

They got into their pyjamas and James tucked his little brother in.

"Will we go home?" He sniffed.

James patted his head. Like how mama used to do it when he would wake up with nightmares.

He wondered if mama was dealing with them again. He knew that when things got really hard it was when she would wake up screaming for her dad.

He hoped Draco was there for her.

"Soon," he whispered.

"How do you know, James?" Henry sniffed.

"Because we're mama's family. And mama promised us that she was always going to be there for us...I know mama is going to come get us...we just have to be patient."

"So she hasn't forgotten about us?"

James gave him a toothy grin. Henry returned it weakly.

"What did mama used to say when there was that thunderstorm?"

"That no matter how scary anything might be...close your eyes and count to three, because when you open them—"

"There I'll be," James finished, "I'm here Henry, and I know mama and daddy will do everything possible to get us home."

Henry sat up and hugged his big brother.

"I love you James," he sniffed, "you're the best big brother in the world."

James hugged him back.

"I love you too Henry, and you're the best little brother in the whole world."

"And Lily is the best little sister in the world."

James nodded and tucked his brother back into bed. He moved to the other side of the bed and got under the covers. Henry had already dozed off with his thumb in his mouth. James looked out the window and sniffed.

"Good night mama..." he whispered before closing his eyes and counting to three.

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